Plan into action

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Hi guys, here is Ann's outfit. I LOVE BLUE.

Today is the date with
It doesn't sound right. I mean I like Zac, he is sweet and funny, but he just isn't Ace.
It's been a whole week and I am still not over him. Every time I see him, my heart aches. He tries to talk to me, but I just block him out. After what he put me through, I tell myself, I gotta find another man.
I finish putting on my outfit, it's pretty cute if I say so myself. I adore the shoes, but I know they will be in the trash by the end of tonight. My feet will have to go through so suffering. Sorry feet.
I meet Zac at the restaurant, and like I said my feet are already dead. I didn't even walk, and my feet are killing me. Wow the world loves me soooooo much. When Zac sees me he stands up and hugs m. He presents my with lilies my favorite. How did he know?
"You look breathtaking" he says.
I blush
"You don't look so bad yourself" I say, looking at his outfits. Jeans and a white shirt. He wore the most basic outfit but he looks like a million bucks. I bet Ace would look like a billion bucks, without any clothes.
Bad Ann, you are not suppose to think about him.
But I can't help it. He is too hot for his own good
Ann you dirty minded creature, bad
Come on, he has gorgeous eyes, his cute messy hair and let's not forget his mouthwatering body.
"Ann you ok" Zac says
"Sorry blanked out"
"Ya you have been doing that a lot" he chuckles.
Throughout dinner, it was VERY AKWARD.
After dinner-
Zac pulls me to a bench.
"Look Ann, I have to tell you something"
"Okay what is it"
"Well when I met you I really liked you, but tonight I just noticed I just like you as a friend,I don't see a future with you, and I know you don't see a future with me too, you like ace don't you?"
I nod, the tears start to gather in my eyes.
"I hope you can find someone" I say
"I hope so too, we are friends and that is how we should stay, you are meant to be with ace"
I let out a sob
Zac hugs me, he is my boy best friend.
"What did the ... Do" he asks
I explain everything, but the part when he kissed Amelia
"He doesn't like me" I say
"Trust me I have know Ace for a VERY long time and he has it bad for you"
"He kissed Amelia" I say bluntly
I nod
"Well let's give him a taste of his own medicine"
"Well let's make Ace mad, and force him to claim his undying love for you"
I blush
He smirks
"How will we do that"
"We are going to pretend to be dating" Zac says
My eyes turn to the size of saucers. Say what
"Trust me, I know what will make Ace mad. Very mad" Zac smirks
I am scared

-----the next day-----

It's lunch time. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaas fooooooooood
Zac and I walk into the cafeteria hand in hand. All our friends look at us. Andrew and Jake doesn't even look surprised. Guess Zac told Andrew and Jake.
Taylor and Emily on the other hand forced every bit of information out of me, so they know what's going on, so that leaves Ace, poor ace he is the only one that doesn't know
Hehehehe this will be fun.
"Hey you two lovers" Taylor says. Emily smiles behind them
"How is Light wing's favorite couple" Emily says
Andrew shakes his head smiling.
"What is going on" Ace asks
"Oh you don't know" Taylor says
"Zac and I are dating" I smile and look up at Zac, who is like 10 feet tall than me. I am soooooo short.
"Oh" he says, walking out of the cafeteria
I try to follow him but Amelia runs after him. That slut.

Sugar cube is dating Zac?!? My sugar cube.
This is all my fault if I told her about my feelings maybe she wouldn't be with Zac, but maybe she likes Zac. Why does life hate me so much. She looked so broken last week, if Zac makes her happy then I will have to accept that. Zac is better for her, he doesn't kiss other girls or take everything out on Ann, like me, a disappointment, a monster, a freak.
"Baby why are you so glum" Amelia purrs in my ear,
"Get away from me" doesn't she get the message, I don't like her
"But you kissed me" she pouts
"I was upset okay, that was a mistake" I say
She looks at me in shock. Stupid slut.
She walks away not saying another word.
I hear someone behind me. I turn around but no one is there.

I see Amelia walking away silently, with tears in her eyes. She walks up to me and says 5 words, just five words
"He likes you not me" she says sadly
"What do you mean"
"Ace, he likes you, I am sorry, really sorry, I know you probably don't want to forgive me, but know that ace likes you, he really does." She says walking away. I stand feeling many things, confusion, happiness, sadness, even guilt.
I find Ace sitting on a bench alone. I step on a branch and he turns his head. I run behind a tree. Thankfully he doesn't see me.
Then he said 3 words. Just three words. It made my heart swell and made me smile.

Hi guys, it's so short, sorry
not sorry.
Wow I suck, LOL 😂
I wonder what Ace said that made Ann's heart flutter?
If you haven't checked out It's not meant for me, go check that out. Wow I feel like one of those youtubers that are like
"And make share to give this a like and comment below, in order to get a shout out in my next video"
Btw guys, I will be talking about It's not meant for me for a long time, so skip this part if you get tried of me repeating the same thing over and over again.
Bye guys.

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