Sugar Cube and Salty potato Chip

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I am staring at my closet, I have NOTHING to wear, its not that I have no clothes to choose from, I have plenty, but like I want to look nice for once. WAIT WHAT, did I just say that, am I ok. my crush on ACE is getting worst by the minute. I look around my room, which is now a mess, maybe I should just go naked, bet he will like that, honestly, I would roll my eyes at myself if I could. wait I can, I walk up to my mirror and roll my eyes, then I walk back to my closet and stare. I have 30 minutes to get ready. ok I give up, girls should be able to wear what ever they want, so he is just going to have to deal with a white tank top, blue shorts and my Vans. I run downstairs, grab a muffin and stuff it into my mouth.

"where are you going in a rush" mom says as she peaks out from behind the door. God that women is weird.

"nothing just hanging out with some friends"

"I didn't know you had friends" my mom really thinks I have no friends, thanks mom.

"well surprise I have friends" I roll my eyes

"well you must be seeing someone special, since you sleep in late, and it's 8;59, so"

i speed off and throw my muffin in the trash, grab my phone and some gum, cause your girl gonna need it. i walk out, trying to look like I am in no rush.

"hey Sugar cube"

"hey salty chip" i say, trying not to laugh.

"what, did you call me" i reach his front steps, and just take a seat next to him

"well since I am sweet, then you are salty, I think it suits you very well." i burst out laughing, as he glares at me, but soon enough he joins me.
I love his smile, his personality and his so messy yet perfect hair. I fell for him Bad, real bad.
"Hey Acey, who's the girl" I turn around and I see a guy, with brown hair, with some highlights, his has green eyes. He's cute, but not as cute at Ace. (Of course)
"Hey Zac, dude meet my sugar cube Karrianne" I try my best to not blush to badly, like it's no big deal, that my crush said I was his Sugar Cube. I am OBSESSED!! Man I really like this guy, but of course we can't be together because it's against Wella's law. My powers would be taken away, and Ace would have the worst life ever. That is something I can't let happen. He has been so kind to me, I hope he ends up with a amazing girl, even though I would be jealous. He will be happy that is all that matters. God I really like him. He probably doesn't even like me.
"Hey losers" I turn around to see a girl with blonde and lilac hair. She look stunning.
"Hey Tay Tay" Zac says turning hard not to laugh, but fails. BADLY.
"Ha very funny Zz"
"Hey only my baby cousin can call me that" Zac pouts
"Anyway" she walks up to me. " I am Taylor, nice to meet you"
"I am Karrianne, but just call me Ann"
"Well nice to meet you Ann" she smiles. What a nice girl
"So Acey what are we doing here"
"Don't really know, Sugar cube you got any ideas" he turns his attention to me.
"ice cream?" I ask
"I like you already" Zac says, now jumping around like a two year old.
We all laugh
"Yasssssss girl, you speak my language" Taylor says clutching her stomach from all the laughing.
"Where's Jake, Andrew and Emily?" Zac asks "they just missed my dance" he pretends to be hurt, putting a hand over his heart. Why does all boys do that.
"You suck, they said they wouldn't be able to make it" Taylor rolls her eyes.
I feel a light poke, I look up seeing my Prince Charming looking at me, his name was Salty Potato Chip.
"Hey sugar"
I blush and answer back.
"Hey salty potato chip"
I laugh as he grunts.
"I thought we were getting ice cream" Taylor interrupts
"Good idea, I am so tried of you two flirting" Zac adds
"We weren't flirting" we say at the same time.
"Hashtag couple goals" Taylor smirks
"Curse you" Zac whispers under his breath. Is he okay, no else was paying attention so I guess only I heard it.
"Let's go" Taylor does a little happy dance, I like her already.

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