The letter

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Well let's say that we had a lot of explaining to do with our parents. Taylor's mom got so mad she was kicked out of the house. Jeez I can't stand that woman. She is literally the cackling witch of the west. See what I did there wicked and cackling. Ok I really need to not trying to make a joke. I suck.
"Honey there is a letter for you" my mom calls from downstairs
"Oh and there is one for Ace as well"
"Okay" ace and I say at the same time. I blush turning away
Ace smirks
We race downstairs Ace won
We rip open the letter. I read over the letter.
Dear Karianne Vesta,
You have been excepted into Light Wing academy. We will be sending guards to pick you up in 3 days. Light Wing will be very lucky to have a warrior like you. I will be expecting great things from you miss Vesta. Please note that things we only get harder from here. There will be no slacking off while you are here. You are a warrior at heart.

-Sophia Griffinclaw

I take a deep breath. I got excepted into Light Wing Academy, the school that I have dreaming about for like ever. My parents went there and now I get to go too. Yay. Wait but does that mean I won't get to see my friends anymore. What do I do?
"Ann you got the letter too" Ace asks
"Ya" my mood lightens, he got excepted as well. Omg best day of my life.
"We have to tell the guys"
"You do think they got the letter too" I ask
"Probably" he says, as he starts to text the guys.

We all meet at Emily's place since Taylor got kicked out of her house.
"Wait so you guys also got the letter" Andrew ask
We all nod
"Yay" Emily,Taylor and I squeal
"So that means we have 3 days for packing,goodbyes, and freedom" Jake say dramatically
"Well I have no goodbyes to say" Taylor say sadly
"You still have us" I say trying to comfort her. Emily gives her friend a hug
"I wish my dad was still here" Taylor says
"Come on Tay we all know he would be super proud of his little girl" Emily says sweetly
"Why does my mom hate me?" Taylor whimpers
"She doesn't hate you,she just doesn't know how to cope with your dad's death" Andrew says providing support.
A tear falls down Taylor's cheek, follow by another and another.
"Taylor you are part of our family too, my mom loves you" Ace says
"Ya, you were that kid that yelled at the guy that was bulling me, but he didn't back off so you punched him" Zac says
We all laugh, even Taylor chuckles
Moments later we are all fine.
"We have a lot of packing" Taylor says
"Don't remind me" Jake says, placing a hand on his forehead dramatically.
"You know that we need to bring weapons right" Andrew says
We nod
"Oh no wait, we will be separated into different houses" Emily complains
"Don't worry, everyone can hang out during break and lunch" I reassure them
"Oh and we still have classes with each other since that is sorted by power" Taylor adds
"That means we will have dragon riding together" Andrew says
"It won't be that bad, we will have each other" Zac says
"That was cheesy" Ace laughs
"Hey what wrong with being cheesy" oh no Zac the toddler is back
We spend the rest of the afternoon laughing and smiling. To the point my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

To be honest if Taylor wasn't into girls, I would totally ship her with Zac. They would be cute so together.
Till next time

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