⌜ six ⌟

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mark snapped out from his thoughts when his mother snapped her fingers. ❝huh?

stop acting like you're straight.❞ his mom smiled as she patted the guy's back ❝you don't have to hide the fact that you like boys by telling us that you like koeun.

who's koeun? that's mark's classmate ever since elementary. they aren't that close but also not that awkward with each other. they sometimes hang out with each other and mark may or may not have feelings for the girl.

the mother tapped her chin ❝but i actually thought you'll fall for jeno, that boy is cute.❞ she giggled ❝so what's his name?

mark scoffed, donghyuck had the guts to tell his mother that he's his boyfriend but not his name ❝can i talk to him first?

she raised her brow ❝tell me where you met him and when. how did you two meet? what do you like about him? what kind of person is he?

mark groaned, this was one trait he didn't like about his mother and it's being talkative ❝mom, he's sick. let me take care of him first and then i'll tell you everything.

his mother squealed ❝YOU SOUND LIKE YOUR DAD WHEN I WAS SICK— ok i'll calm down now.

mark giggled before excusing himself to go to his room and check donghyuck's state. he knew how much his parents loved each other and he couldn't help but find his mom like a normal teenage girl whenever his dad does something sweet.

while walking, he was thinking about what to do and how he should tell the truth to his mother. another thing, why did donghyuck even tell his mom that he's his boyfriend? first donghyuck stealing his wallet, and now donghyuck being his boyfriend when he's not. one problem after another, and why does donghyuck have to be in every problem.

he got inside his room and frowned when he saw donghyuck staring at the window, ❝hyuck.

the younger flinched and looked down. ❝i'm now fine, can i leave?

mark sat on his bed, facing donghyuck, after closing the door to his room. ❝you? leave? after telling my mom that you're my boyfriend, i don't think so.

donghyuck whined ❝i'm sorry!

why?❞ mark ran a hand through the boy's hair ❝why did you tell her that you're my boyfriend?

donghyuck actually felt safe when mark ran his hand through his hair. he felt comfortable. maybe because he's sick, or his head ache, but liked mark's touch. which is questionable since he just met mark.. like yesterday and he's starting to feel comfortable with the guy. it's so wrong.

you ask me.❞ donghyuck looked away, he also didn't know why he told mark's mom that he's his boyfriend when he could just introduce himself as mark's classmate, just like how mark introduced him to taeyong.

mark smirked as he leaned closer to donghyuck ❝you like me, don't you? i won't be surprised, i know you can't resist my looks.

it's always his looks. at first he found it sad that people just like him for his looks and not his attitude but later on he got used to it. who wouldn't like his attitude anyways, he's nice, caring, he's kind, but i guess girls only likes bad boys, which he is not.

donghyuck clicked his tongue and pushed mark's head away ❝what do you take me for—


the two stopped talking when they heard a dog bark. they both have different reactions as the door opened, donghyuck was surprised and scared while mark closed his eyes, getting ready.

a pug got inside the room and jumped on mark's lap, trying to stand up and lick mark's face. the older giggled as he played along with the dog, which donghyuck honestly found cute, forgetting about being scared around dogs.

chan stop!❞ mark carried the pug and smiled ❝did mom let you out again?

oopsie?❞ his mom giggled that was leaning by the doorway while giving donghyuck a sweet smile ❝how are you feeling sweetie?

donghyuck turned to mark, thinking that it was him that was being asked but mark gave him a look that his mother was talking to him. donghyuck cleared his throat ❝i'm fine.. thank you for caring..

mark's mom walked slowly as she took the pug out of mark's hold ❝anything for my son's boyfriend.

why did you let chan out?❞ mark pouted, he loves dogs but he wasn't in the mood to take care of one right now

his mom pinched his cheeks ❝i was going to bathe him but he quickly ran towards your room so i was like, maybe he wants to meet his daddy.

mark smiled ❝you missed daddy?

the dog licked mark's face, which earned a disgust look from the guy but then regained a smile after.

anyways, sorry for disturbing the both of you.❞ the mother turned to donghyuck, admiring him ❝you're beautiful.

hearing the compliment made donghyuck's cheeks turn red. mark just rolled his eyes and came unnoticed. the dog barked at donghyuck and made the boy flinched, which the mother knew that it was time to leave after seeing donghyuck's face as the dog barked at him.

the mother excused herself and brought the dog out. mark took this chance to laugh at donghyuck ❝you're afraid of dogs?

donghyuck motioned his hand as if he was ready to punch mark ❝shut up.❞ he then remembered what his mother told him ❝am i beautiful?

mark jokingly raised brow ❝where?

aish.❞ he sighed and gave up on trying to hit mark ❝who names his dog 'chan'?

mark frowned ❝me, got a problem with that?

no daddy.❞ donghyuck mocked as he remembered mark addressing himself as daddy but then covered his mouth ❝oh shit that sounded so wrong.

mark went back to smirking, ❝that won't be the last time you'll be calling me daddy.

donghyuck gathered all his energy to slap mark by the arm ❝you're dirty.

dirty for you babe.❞ mark gave donghyuck a wink before standing up

donghyuck watched mark in disgust as he saw the older getting a piece of paper and a pen before sitting back down on the bed. ❝what's that for?

mark smiled ❝let's talk about our love story.

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