⌜ forty nine ⌟

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you look exactly like your father.❞ the man raised the boy's chin up, observing his face even more.

you..❞ jeno furrowed his brows, ❝you know him?

the man let out a giggled, which wasn't quite music to the ears, ❝let's just say we are good friends.

good friends? jeno scoffed. he then spitted on the man's face, ❝my father would never have a man like you as his friend.

wiping off the saliva of his face, the man clenched his fist after. he was holding himself back from killing this boy in front of him just like how he killed the father. after all, this boy is very important.

now now, be a good boy jeno.❞ he grabbed a fistful of jeno's hair, making the boy whimper at the pain. sad thing is that jeno can't even punch nor kick the man. he was tied to a chair and all he can do was sit there. ❝you don't want him to get hurt, do you?❞ the man took a picture out from his pocket and there was a kid smiling while holding into someone else's hand.

donghyuck?❞ jeno squirmed, really wanting to jump to the man and just punch his face. ❝what are you going to do him!? don't you dare lay a finger on him or else-

sshh,❞ the man made jeno shut up after getting a knife and showing it to jeno with a smirk. ❝see this?

jeno's breathing stopped as the knife was touching his skin. now he was more afraid to do anything because not only he'll get hurt but donghyuck also.

the silence was pleasing to the man's ears, ❝that's better. now stay silent until your donghyuck comes and rescue you.

the door opened, showing jungwoo bringing two plastic bags with another man standing next to him, gripping his arm. jungwoo was pushed inside, glaring at the buff man. it wasn't necessary to push him, he has feet and he can just walk towards them.

here's your food little jeno.❞ the man snatched the plastic from jungwoo's hold and placed it on the boy's lap.

it was hot and jeno could feel it burning on his lap. jungwoo took a step forward and took the plastic away from jeno's lap as he saw the pained look on jeno's face.

his action only earned a look from the man, obviously not happy at what jungwoo did.

i'll feed him.❞ jungwoo looked away, his confidence flew away after seeing that look. if he pushes the man's buttons then who knows what's going to happen.

jungwoo watched him walked away clicking his tongue. he sighed and crouched down to match jeno's height. he brushed the younger's hair to the side, wiping the sweat away. he saw the boy's face and pitied him. he had the urge to escape, bringing the boy with him but it will only worsen the situation if he does that.

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