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After driving for what felt like an eternity, we arrived at a gas station to stock up on snacks and gas. There was a red shiny car parked on the opposite side of the gas pumps, he was leaning on his car smoking a cigarette. When he sees us arrive, he throws the remaining of the cigarette on the ground and squishes it before he walks towards the car. He wore black jeans, a black shirt underneath a grey hoodie and a black cap.

As I looked closer, I recognized him as the second man who helped Styles kidnap me. I eyed him suspiciously. Styles without a word gets out of the car and goes to fill the tank. "Did you meet with T?" The man asked with a a slightly thick English accent. I don't get to hear what they say because Styles shuts the car door, almost as if he knew I could be listening. They exchange a few words before the man hands Styles a key and drives off.

After Styles filled up the tank, he gets in the car and we continued our journey. "Were you plotting my murder?" I ask jokingly, drinking from the water bottle he got me. When he doesn't answer I look to him.

"Not yet." He remarks, keeping his eyes on the road, I scrunch my nose at look away. "He got us an apartment to stay at for the meantime." I sigh in relief, no more musty motels for once.

"For the meantime?" I question. It's already been a month and I still had no idea where we were supposed to be going. I stopped questioning him about why he did some of the things he did, killing Clyde for starters but I figured he was never going to actually tell me.

Styles nods. "At least until things cool off. Who knows what that last guy knows. It's better to end the trail of motels for a while." He says and the rest of the car ride to this place is silent. Once we get to the apartments, he parks the car a street away from the apartment complex but still close enough to where if we needed to, we would get there fast if we ran to it. We take the stairs to the designated apartment, both of us held bags of groceries with food and water and my bags of new clothes.

The apartment was at the end of the hall and right beside it was the emergency exit door. The place over all was better than the motels, it was spacey and was more welcoming. Styles places the grocery bags on the counter before he takes his laptop out of a duffel bag. He sets it up on the kitchen table and connects the charger to the wall before sitting in front of the screen.

I began to put everything in the empty fridge before taking frozen Chinese and putting it in the microwave. "Would you like one?" I ask Styles who was engulfed in his computer. When he looks up he nods his head before looking back down. Once they were done I sat in the chair in front of him on the table and passed him his bowl as I ate my own in silence, the only noise being his keyboard. "So." I say as I pick at the food with my fork. "What are you doing?"

"Working." He mutters, typing away.

"Working on what?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Just going over the many ways I can dispose of your body after having plotted your murder." He looks up at me, no emotion behind his face and I roll my eyes and eat my food.

Even though he doesn't talk much, he gives me headaches.

After I finish my dinner in complete silence, I throw my trash and walk around the apartment, noticing the red brick walls and the tubes lining them creating moss. "Where exactly are we?" I ask from my position in the open window, my arms hug my frame as a slight fresh breeze enters.

"San Fransisco." He says, more focused on the screen before him.

We are a long way from Mexico. "Why are you doing this?" I ask, looking at him. He looks at me from across the room. "I mean I'm sure you don't want to spend your time driving me around to God knows where for reasons unknown to me." That didn't seem like much fun, and it wasn't.

"You're right." Styles replies, nonchalantly. "But I got hired for this so I guess we both have to deal with it."

I look back outside and sigh, I see a group of girls walking together down the street. They looked like they were having fun. "I've been to so many places for my own safety but I've never actually explored any of them." I admit.

"What do you mean?" He asks, closing his laptop and rubbing his face with his hands. He looked tired. Given, it was two in the morning.

I shrug, watching as how water droplets from the upcoming rain falls and slides down the window. "My father is so over protective of my sister and I we never really got to leave the places we were staying at."


"Yeah," He looks like he's about to say something else but decides against it. "He always said we couldn't risk getting found. So I've never actually visited the places. But of course, I had to go and create that stupid Facebook account." Styles stands up from the table and walks over to the other window, looking down at the cars and flashing lights from billboards.

And for a second, as the red flashing lights shine on his face I can admit that he's got beauty to him.

"Do you even know what's actually—" Styles is cut off by the sound of knocks on the door. I look towards him in sheer panic before he tells me to stay and keep quiet. He takes his gun from the back of his pants, goes over to the door and looks through the peephole. There's more knocking before he finally opens it, revealing two new men, one blonde and the other with brown hair, both dressed in black clothing like Styles and I. "What the fuck are you two doing here?" Styles grits, closing the door behind them as they let themselves in.

"Don't be rude now Harry, pal. We came here because Zayn told us you were around." Harry? "Figured you could use a bit of help with the little bitch." The brown haired guy says before his eyes land on me, I cross my arms and give an unamused look.

I saw Styles give him a look of annoyance before both of them looked at me. "No offense." The brown haired one says with a smile making me return a sarcastic one.

"Offense taken." I say and walk to stand next to Styles. "So, Harry?" I question his new found name, he glared at the two men.

"I thought you would've had her locked somewhere. Did he threaten you to treat her like the princess she is?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Shut the fuck up, Louis." The blonde one finally speaks before he turns to me. "Don't mind him, his personality trait is being a dick. I'm Niall and that's Louis." Niall says, pointing to the guy that obviously loves to talk like his life depended on it.

"I ask again," Styles says with crossed arms and an angry look in his eyes. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"We were around and decided to stop by."

"We aren't taking visitors right now." Styles grits.

"That's actually something you tell someone over the phone, mate." Louis remarks and Styles looks like he could shoot them with absolutely no hesitation.

"Fine," Styles says. "I've got things to do anyway. Watch her, make sure she doesn't try to leave." Styles walks away, grabs his laptop off the kitchen table and walks down a corridor to where I assume were the rooms. I am left alone with the two new males and they turn to look at me.

Louis takes out something from his pocket. Cards. "You wanna play UNO?"

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