26 (18+)

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"You sure you don't want to play, Tina?" Niall asks as he throws the basketball in his hand in the air and catches it. We were outside and the guys were setting up for their bowling game. There was a whole pile of empty beer bottles that they were using as well as a whole brown patch of broken beer bottles from previous games. As I looked around, every one of them held a beer in their hand.

They sure do drink a lot.

I shake my head. "I rather just watch." I didn't feel like playing games today, I just wanted to relax and cuddle into the blanket I was wrapped in on the chair outside in front of the small bonfire the guys made for me. To be honest, I would much rather be in my room right about now. And it's not because of what happened between Harry and I. I just felt lonely.

And who wouldn't when you haven't seen your family in over two months after having been kidnapped. Maybe I should stop calling it that. Maybe Harry really was sent to protect me, otherwise I would've been dead or sold in the black market. I still miss my family though.

Zayn walks over to me, beer in hand. "How are you doing?" He asks, probably tired of asking me if I was okay every time he saw me.

I shrug, a sad smile. "I'm just homesick." I say and he nods. He looks at his beer bottle and offers it to me, I look at him.

"Might cheer you up?" He says in more of a question. I sigh and take it, putting it up to my lips and I take a drink. It was bitter and not the best tasting alcohol I've had but it beats the hot vodka from last time. "I'm sure you're tired of not knowing what's going on," Zayn begins and I look at him. "But you are safe with us and we will get you home. It's only going to get better from here on out."

"How better?" I scoff. "I'm probably going to go back to being incarcerated in my room anyways." That was the only thing I didn't miss from home. At least here I had people to talk to. I take another swig of the beer, not caring about the taste.

Zayn looks away towards the guys after Louis breaks some bottles and flips Niall and Liam off. "Yeah, we didn't really have much of a life either." He nods to the guys. "None of us would be here if we had."

As he says this, I realize I've never actually questioned myself how they all got into something like this. How self indulged have I been? "How do you even find yourself in something like this?" I ask, watching as Zayn takes out a cigarette from a carton and lights it.

"Ahh," Zayn mutters with the cigarette between his lips as he puts the carton away inside the pocket of his black leather jacket. "You know, sometimes it's better to not even ask. But we all have one thing in common,"

"And what's that?"

"Resilience," Zayn smiles at me. "We're just five incredibly tough men. Perfect for the job." I nod, finishing the remainder of his beer.

"That's what makes me different from any of you. I never asked to be a part of this." I confide, letting my guard down for just a moment of weakness. "But I was born into it so I guess I don't really have much of a choice, do I?"

Zayn bites the inside of his cheek and scoots closer to me, putting his arm around me in a comforting hug. "When you're born into something like this, there's really no escaping your fate. I hate to say it, but it's true."

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