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After basically spending the night in Harry's room talking, by the time I went back to my room it was around six fifty-one. The sun was out and I couldn't sleep for the life of me. Harry and I didn't exactly have a deep conversation, in fact nothing really came of it. I think maybe he just felt like talking to someone and was glad I was there to listen, even if he had nothing to say.

After tossing and turning and laying on my back with closed eyes, I finally decide to get out of bed. The time was now seven twenty-two, another unsuccessful night of sleep. I go downstairs and grab an apple, I wasn't feeling hungry but I liked to imagine my family gathered in the dining hall, having breakfast. My mother would be having a plate of fruit and a glass of water. Mila would be having scrambled eggs, a piece of bacon and one waffle on the side and I would be having an apple and would be getting scolded for eating so little and my father would be in his office.

You know how they say, never put work before your family? Well that was definitely not the case for my father. He loved his job. Being a Mafia leader required very little work especially since he had people doing his dirty work for him. We always hated that it took so much time away from us, I'm sure my mom was on her last straw. Our parents never really fought in front of us, but we would always hear them through the walls. The last time I saw them together they were tense, almost as if something had happened between them.

That was the same day I registered on Facebook, full name and picture. And then my father sent my mother and sister away and I never saw them since. I would call them sometimes and just like my five minute showers, conversations over the phone had the same five minute rule.

I realized, the more I spent time alone with my father the more I grew to hate him. Not in a way that I would want him wiped out from the face of the earth, he was still my father and I loved him. But I hated him for never allowing me to live. From Pre-k to the fourth grade I was pulled from school and was homeschooled by Mrs. Lopez and there went any social life I ever had.

I must've been zoned out remembering all these memories because Zayn walks in the kitchen, black jeans, black shirt, black boots and a black leather jacket. "Are you good?" He asks, looking me up and down. I then remember the way we made out and my face grows hot.

"Hi." I mumble behind the apple making him chuckle.

"Why are you up so early?" He asks. I didn't want to tell him I was in Harry's room all night so I shrugged. He's making himself a cup of coffee.

"I just couldn't go back to sleep." I lie making him nod. "What about you?" I ask as I take a bite of the apple.

"I'm going out to run some errands." He says, keeping it short. I wanted to ask what kind of errands but by the face he made I could tell it was exactly what I was thinking.

I shivered at the thought. "Oh." Was all I said.

He drinks from his cup and reaches inside his leather jacket, takes out a box of cigarettes and puts one up to his lips before lighting it. "You sure you're okay?" He asks again, inspecting my face for any sort of hint that I might be lying, he blows the smoke away.

I nod. "I'm okay, I'm just homesick." I wave him off. "When will you be back?"

He shrugs. "I'm not sure, but when I come back we can watch a few movies if you want." He suggests making me smile and nod. He smiles and stands up from his chair, leaning over the table towards me and kisses my cheek. "I'll see you later." And with that, he walks out the front door.

I hang around my room until about lunchtime, I took two naps since then and by the time I came downstairs, the guys were outside doing some kind of intense workout routine. I only watched them from the door as I ate a sandwich until the front door opens and in comes Harry.

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