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"I know how much you wanted this, Valentina. But I don't see it happening." My mom's voice says with a hint of remorse in her tone. She strokes my hair as I have my back to her on my bed.

"I just don't understand why he treats me so differently." I say. I didn't understand why Mila was allowed to go away with her school friends on a family trip, I was also invited to go but like always, my father says no and that's the last discussion of it. "I never get to go anywhere."

"He's just trying to protect you. Dads are like that."

"He doesn't treat Mila this way," I point out. "It's like he's punishing me for something, I just wish I knew what I did." Sure, maybe I was a bit reckless and talked back when I wasn't supposed to. But I don't think that counts for alienating your child as a punishment.

"You didn't do anything," She says. "You know what happened last time. He's just scared, that's all." The last time we went out to church, we were followed and shot at, a bullet went through the window and grazed my arm.

I shake my head at this. "He has always treated me different to Mila. I'm sick of it." I hear my mom sigh and grow silent. "I kind of want to be on my own." I stare at my wall, hoping it would somehow crumble and I could be able to walk out.

But of course that never happens.

I awake when we come to a full stop and once I open my eyes, I see we were in front of a house with a big entrance. I look around, Harry gets out of the car and grabs our things. "Where are we?" I ask him but my question is answered by someone else.

"Welcome home." I follow the voice, an unknown male. He had short black hair and light stubble, his skin was tanned and he wore athletic clothing. He looked like he just came from a run. He walks close to me, a kind smile on his lips and he outstretched his hand towards me in a handshake. "I'm Max, you must be Valentina."

I had to act like I wasn't completely enthralled by his face and play it cool by offering a smile back. "I am," I nod. Was everyone here so incredibly hot?

"I apologize for my appearance, I'm usually very put together." I hear the car door slam behind me before I see Harry walk towards the house with our bags. "You must be Styles."

"How'd you figure that?" Harry retorts rather rudely and I have to refrain from rolling my eyes at him. Harry doesn't even give Max a chance to properly introduce himself because he walks past us and inside the large house. This place was pretentious, it seemed like whatever they tried to hide, they took attention from that with this house.

The place was much bigger from the inside and when Niall walked out I was relieved to see familiar faces after what I just went through. "Glad to see you made it." Niall comments as Harry sets the bags down.

"What do we know?" Harry asks and I take this as my chance to walk around the house, hopefully I run into the rest of the guys. I didn't mean to pry around, but I think I was looking for the number of exits and where they lead to—just in case something were to happen. The backyard was just as beautiful as the rest of the house, the grass was green and healthy, there was an infinity pool towards the center of the yard that overlooked a vineyard down below.

There was armed men walking around every time I looked anywhere. Probably patrolling, that's what my father had his men do all the time back home. And now I was back to thinking about my father and what Harry told me. I guess my mind sort of blocked that off for a while, but it quickly came back.

Could he have been telling me the truth? I've known that man my entire life, there is no way in hell he wasn't my father. He knew exactly how to get on my nerves, that's a huge deal for a teenage girl.

Get The Girl [h.s] AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें