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"Fucking Christ," Blaise mutters from beside me on the backseat, I sat there with arms and legs crossed. I was getting really tired of getting kidnapped at this point. From my peripheral vision, I can see Blaise touch the bridge of his nose and hiss. "I think he broke my fucking nose."

When I turn to look at him, he had slight swelling under his eyes and a gash across the bridge of his nose, probably from Harry's rings. But no obvious sign of a broken bone. "Your nose isn't broken, it's just bruised." I say, hoping that'll get him to stop whining.

"What do you know?" Blaise retorts and I shake my head in annoyance.

"What's your plan anyways?" I ask. "From what I gathered, you intent to keep me hostage until Harry brings you fifty pounds of coke, forty if he arrives before midnight—and then what?"

"We don't discuss business with prisoners." Rick interrupts from the drivers side, eyeing me momentarily through the read view mirror. I glare.

"She's not a prisoner." Blaise corrects, scrunching his nose, faint tint of dry blood around it. "She's only tagging along for the ride. Styles needs to understand that we don't fuck around, she's just an asset to us that is all."

"I say we kill her," My gaze quickly falls on Rick who held a glare. "That could be more fun."

"This is why Alfio didn't make you the chief of the fucking operation, you fucking moron." Blaise spits. "We aren't going to kill her, in fact we aren't even going to touch a hair on her pretty little head. This is just a scare tactic."

"Alfio sent you?" I turn to Blaise now. "He said he was a good friend of my father, is he just a fucking rat?"

"I'd watch that pretty little mouth of yours if I were you," Rick interrupts once more. "That's my uncle you're talking about."

I roll my eyes. "That explains it." I mumble to myself.

"Back to your question," Blaise begins. "It's a simple plan. I get what I want, Styles gets what he wants and nobody gets hurt."

"And what if he doesn't get you the coke?" I challenge, not seeing a possibility that Harry wouldn't try to come get me. "Then what?"

"Oh, he wouldn't let that happen." Blaise smirks. "The man is a fucking menace but he was hired by the best to protect you. That means that at least his proclivities fall where his loyalty lies. I'm sure he wouldn't let your pretty face out of his sight for more than a day. If we're lucky, he'll already be there by the time we get back."

Blaise was right, Harry is loyal to his mission even though sometimes it seems like there's better suited people for the job out there. He has kept me alive all this time and killed the homeless man that tried to hurt me, there's not a single doubt in my mind that he wouldn't go throw hell and back to find me.

With the disgusting way in which Rick is looking at me, he better make it fast.


The ground under my boots crunch with every step I take towards the direction of the green house. I made sure Chris was going to be home alone before I came, I didn't care for his grandmother to find his brains scattered all across her fucking petunias or whatever those stupid flowers were called. I knock three times, my gun in hand. I can hear music from the inside and a few moments later, Chris opens the door with a wide grin.

He was the embodiment of smoke your own product. I raise the gun to his head and he backs up, I shut the door behind me. "Hey, what the fuck man—" I grab his collar and slam him down on the floor, knocking the air out of him. He erupts in a fit of gasps and coughs.

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