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Harry spent the past two days walking around in his room, it's all I could focus on when I couldn't sleep at night. After our talk, I got a better understanding of why he was doing this. Sure, he was shitty at protecting me but ultimately I was safe. Maybe he'll do better at a distance although I hardly doubt that to be true.

He would walk past me like I wasn't there and look right through me like a ghost. We didn't speak much and I was sure it was because of how busy he was getting his things in order. But then again, he didn't have much to his name but guns and a small wardrobe of dark clothes, aside from that there was really no reason to ignore me the way he was doing.

It's funny the way the tables turn with us. Just a few days ago I was the one ignoring him and now he's doing it to me. I wasn't sure when it was that he'd leave or how long he'd be gone for, I hope it isn't for long though. The meetings between the rest of the guys increased and I was back to the beginning. Back to being ignored by everyone around me. How is it that I'm a house full of people, you can feel so alone?

The past two nights I woke up in cold sweats, dreaming about that night when I shot Rick. I could hear the sound of the gun loading, the vibration it sent throughout my arm as I fired it, the loud unbearable ringing in my ears and the look Harry gave me, one I had never seen before.

For some reason, the look on his face terrified me more than the body creating a pool of blood on the cement.

Was it disappointment I saw in him? Surely, he was in no position to judge me.

I felt sharp pains in my stomach now that I was really awake followed by a wetness between my thighs, when I reached over to turn on the lamp I realize it's blood. "Shit." I mumble. Just as I was getting up, my bedroom door opens and in comes the one person that had been ignoring me.

I quickly sit back down and cover myself. Harry was shirtless, beads of water trickled from his hair and ran down his back giving me the impression that he had just gotten out of the shower. "Shit, did I catch you at your most intimate time?" He jokes with his usual deadpan expression.


"I won't be here long, don't worry." He cuts me off and sits at the foot of my bed. "First, I don't want you to think I'm here because I'm leaving and I'm going to give you some speech about how it was a pleasure working with you and that I'll miss you. You were not a pleasure, you were a pain and I'm not going to miss you but I am going to have a hard time forgetting about how annoying you were."

I roll my eyes at this, my arms hug into a cross as I sit back. "You know you have your entire life to be a dick, you should really consider taking a day off."

"The truth is, I don't really feel comfortable leaving you here. I don't trust leaving you in anyone else's hands if I'm honest." I watch his fingernails begin to claw at the scars on his knuckles. "I have a safe house just twelve hours from here in Otsego. I bought it a couple months ago so it's run down but it's got a silo and it's perfect for hiding out if we need to." Harry was just rambling on at this point and I don't think he was really thinking about what he was saying.

"What are you saying, you want me to come live with you?" I raise my eyebrows in question and Harry sits back.

"No." He says. "I'm just saying if things get bad, I wouldn't hesitate to take you there where you can be safe."

"And what about the others?"

"I don't care about the others." This time, he doesn't break eye contact which I admit, intimidated me. He sure was giving me mixed signals. One day he's telling me he doesn't give a shit about me or what I do and the next he's telling me I'm all that matters.

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