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The sounds of my footsteps echoed through the poorly lit hallway that I had to guide myself by the wall. The texture beneath my fingers was gravelly, like old wallpaper that had endured years of moisture trapped in between it.

At the end of the hallway was a door that I quickly recognized as the cellar. The same cellar in which I walked in on Harry and Giza, only this time there was no rattling from them, only constant sounds of pin drops echoing the hallway.

I don't know what it was but it made me keep walking towards it until I reached the room and I walk in with no hesitation. I don't know what I was expecting, but seeing candles leading down another room wasn't what I had in mind. There was an eerie feel to the whole place and maybe that was my intuition telling me to get the fuck out of there, but my feet didn't listen.

I followed the trail and was soon met by a voice that sent chills down my spine.

"Took you long enough." The voice said and as much as I looked for the source I couldn't find it anywhere.

"Who are you?" I called.

"You stupid girl," The voice taunts, a mocking chuckle following. "You know exactly who I am. Your judgment deems you blind."

The voice didn't seem to be in one particular place, in fact it seemed it was all around me so much so that it was almost a hallucination. "It's all in my head." I whisper to myself, still looking around for the owner.

"Ah, yes." The voice says. "I've been there. I know that place all too well. That cold, dark place. Tell me something," The voice pauses momentarily as if in thought. "Are you a good person, Valentina?"

I swallow, my throat yearned for water. Why are you thinking so hard? It's a simple question. It isn't like whoever this person was is a mind reader. Just say what you want to say!


"You do know what the world does to good people, don't you?" A sudden gust of cold wind blows on my back, making me turn only to be taken aback. It felt like a punch to the stomach when I saw Harry standing there, a gun aimed at me and he held not a single expression on his face. "It destroys them."

My body jolts awake, beads of cold sweat rolls down my face and I felt as though I couldn't breathe. So it was just a dream.

"What were you dreaming about?" A second scare as I heard Harry's voice this time clearer than I did in my dream. He sat on a chair beside my bed, a stern expression on his face. "By the looks of you, it must've been a nightmare."

"What are you doing here?" I say once I catch my breath. When I look to the time it was merely five in the morning.

"Answer the question." I look back to him, a look of confusion on my face and he still held none. "What is it that you dream of?"

Why was he so interested in my dream? Most of all, why was he in my room? Much like my dream, my throat was dry. It felt like I had a thousand eyes staring at me, but in reality it was only Harry and I in the room. "You." I say, too scared to be embarrassed.

A moment of silence passes by before Harry stands from the chair and crawls onto my bed, pushing me back by my shoulders. His eyes had no color in them as he brought his face closer to mine. "Are you scared of me, Birdie?"

Birdie, there was that nickname again. The one he used whenever he taunted me with. Only Harry would find humor in me dreaming of him. His fingers reached up to put hair away from my face, his eyes follow his actions before he's out of my gaze. His head dips on the crook of my neck, placing a chaste kiss on the skin before he looks back up.

"Hm?" He hums, now looking at me again. He doesn't give me time to answer before he leans down again on the other side of my neck and kisses the skin too.

"No." I say. This time it was the truth. I know he's asked me that before and I said I was, but now I know him a lot more than I did before. He will go to lengths to try to scare me to avoid me from coming close, but I know he would never hurt me.

Not in the physical sense anyway.

A few more kisses to my skin and light touches later, Harry looks up at me. "Wake up."

When I blink, Harry was gone.

"No, I told you I needed some new equipment. I can't go around with the same plates and I think you know why." Harry says, it looks as though he was talking on the phone and as he turns to the side, I was correct.

He was outside by the pool, a cigarette in his free hand and the phone in the other. I don't think he saw me, quite honestly I was feeling indifferent about my dreams and what they meant, almost like a warning for what, I didn't know.

"I told you I'm on it." He sounded annoyed. "I don't know but when I do you'll be the first to know." This time, he turns and sees me. "Don't worry about it, consider it done." Is what he says before he hangs up the phone and stuffs it in his front pocket.

"What are you doing out here in the cold?" I say as I walk closer. He wasn't wearing much layers, he was working with a simple black long sleeve.

He blows the smoke from the cigarette before responding. "I'm all warmed up."

When I stand beside him a bit too close, he takes a small step back and looks away. My arms hug me and I bite the inside of my cheek as I think about what to say. "So what did Giza want?" I ask.

Harry shrugs at this. "Nothing." He blows smoke away.

"That certainly didn't look like nothing." I say. "It looked like what she had to say was important."

"Well let's just say that you and I have two very different definitions of what's important and what isn't." He takes me aback by this but not so much to where it's unexpected.

"I'm just asking—"

"Well don't." He cuts me off, this time he looks at me as he throws the cigarette butt on the floor and steps on it.

"Did it have anything to do with me?" I push and when he doesn't say, I continue. "Cause if it did, I think I have a right to know."

"It had nothing to do with you, alright?"

"Why don't you want to tell me?" I search his face. "Are you okay?"

"Back off." Harry retorts. "Why don't you go stick your nose in someone else's business for once?" He was being exceptionally rude today, more so than most days. Something was definitely wrong with him.

However, I was twice as petty as him and unfortunately got an early visit from my period this morning. I wasn't going to let his disrespect fly.

"I will once you stick your big nose out of mine." I bite back and walk away, leaving him out there in the cold, watching as I walked away.

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