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By the time we finished playing card games, it was around one thirty in the morning. I was so exhausted all I wanted to do was close my eyes and never wake up just so that I could get some proper sleep. As I close the door to my room and turn the light on, Styles was sitting on the chair, his legs crossed on top of the desk while he played with the cross pendent on his necklace, his gaze towards me as soon as my eyes landed on him.

I had been completely startled by his uninvited presence for the second time today. "You need to stop doing that." I grunt, trudging over to the bed while he watches my every move.

"I thought I told you to stay away from him." He says lowly, his voice filled with menace and rage.

"And I thought I told you not to tell me what to do." I retort, pulling my socks off and sitting criss cross on the bed, facing him on the chair, challenging him.

"I also told you to come to my room." He says, looking at his knuckles. "Why didn't you listen to that either?"

"You might be used to people obeying your every whim but not me. I told you that you can't boss me around." I say. Maybe it was because it was almost 2 in the morning, but I didn't feel the need to bite my tongue this time around. "Why did you want me to come to your room anyway?" I ask.

He doesn't answer but stands up from the chair, his boots making noise with every step he took towards the bed making me back up to the headboard. He then sits in front of me, his right leg on the bed and the other on the floor.

"Was he your first kiss?" He asks after a while of just staring at me, I raise a brow. Why did he keep bringing Zayn up in everything? I know he was meant to be protecting me, so he says, but him acting like my father, trying to prevent me to stop seeing Zayn was beginning to get on my last nerve.

"Why do you care?"

"Was he?" He asks, staring into my eyes. I didn't say anything and that seems to answer his question, he hums.

"Leave me alone." I groan, getting under the blankets. He presses his hand down on the blanket and I can't bring it over myself anymore.

"Is that what you want?" His eyes were dark, pupils were dilated and I could smell alcohol on his breath. Was this even the same person that took me a month ago? The same person that would yell at me whenever he got the chance? The same person who ignores me for hours? And now he's being so—I don't even know what he's doing.

Trying to seduce me? Trying to kiss me? It sure looks like it.

"What is with you?" I finally ask making him raise a brow. "You were so cold to me before coming here and now you're like this?" I say, gesturing to how close he was to me. "Are you jealous of Zayn and I?" I say without thinking making him back up with a dry and condescending chuckle. "Or are you drunk?"

"Please," he scoffs. "You're not my type for you to assume I'm jealous."

I shrug, hiding my embarrassment. "Well it sure seems that way. To answer your question, yes Zayn is my first." I say and he looks unamused. "If you keep making this your concern then maybe I might give him my virginity too. And then I'd tell you all about it since you want to make it your business." I blurt out, the confidence catching me off guard.

"He got himself a little virgin, that should be fun for him." Styles mocks and I scoff at him.

"Look, I don't even know why you bother. If you're just trying to get a rise out of me, congratulations, you succeed at that every single time." I say, snatching the blanket from him and laying down.

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