29 (18+)

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Harry hadn't acknowledged me for the past three days since the night at the strip joint. In fact, now that I think about it, I haven't even seen him since that night after he came back inside, soaked. And it's not that it bothered me, I mean maybe like a small part of me did, but the rest of me knew that steering clear of him was for the best.

Still, my fingers itched as I looked in the direction of the staircase. There is no way he's here, I hadn't heard his heavy boots stomping nor his slamming of doors. Unless he's dead up there and no one knows because no one cares enough to check on the rude man. Everyone else had been out for the day, maybe Harry was gone too? No, they wouldn't leave me unsupervised, I'm pretty sure they don't trust me enough to be alone.

I was laying on the couch, trying my hardest to listen for any signs of someone being home but I heard none. I knew for sure the guys had left because I saw them leave. Except for Harry. I sigh in annoyance, I need to stop contradicting myself so much. I thought I had told myself that I'd stay away from him.

Jesus Christ, what the hell is it about him?

Without realizing it, I had reached his door. My fingers scratched at my skin as anxiety washes over me. I had no idea how Harry would react to seeing me again after our small altercation, if you could even call it that. My hands made a fist and in a quick motion, I knock twice and wait.

No answer.

A part of me relaxes but as I wait, I hear the heavy footsteps climb up the stairs. "Did you lose something?" He asks with that same bored annoyance tone he always had. When I turn to face him, I notice he was holding the same duffel bag full of brown packages he gave to that man the at the strip joint. Only this time it looked empty.

When I don't reply right away, Harry pushes me aside and opens his door. I almost expected for him to close it on my face but when he doesn't, I go inside and close it behind me. "I was just looking for you." I say, Harry walks towards his bed and opens the duffel bag.

"What for?" He replies coldly. He then takes what appears to be a safe from under the bed and toggles in the combination, when it opens he takes out wads of money and shoves it in the duffel bag. I'm astonished by how much money there is, Harry looks up at me, expecting an answer.

"I mean—cause I haven't really seen you in days." Harry slams the empty safe shut and puts it back under the bed. He zips the duffel bag in a swift motion and throws it carelessly to the side.

"Funny how time works, huh?" He retorts satirically, sitting down on the foot of his bed. His hands go inside his pocket, taking out the carton of cigarettes and takes one up to his mouth. He flips open the silver zippo lighter and lights his cigarette. As he's inhaling, he lays down on the bed and breathes out the grey cloudy smoke. I cross my arms, standing on one foot disapprovingly as I look at him.

Harry looks up from his laying position and blows some more smoke. "What do you want?" What did I want? I guess I didn't really plan out what I would do if Harry was home. I now find myself staring back at him blankly with absolutely nothing to say. He lays his head back down in an uninterested manner and sighs. "Wake me up whenever you come up with a coherent sentence."

I bite my lip. Fuck, why am I unable to think of something to say? I usually always have lots to say and now I can't even muster up a single fucking vowel. Harry lays with his eyes closed, still smoking his cigarette. His knee bobs up and down, his left hand on top of his stomach, it rises and falls with every breath he takes.

I watched as his cherry red lips wrapped around the stick, his tongue licks his bottom lip as he lets out the smoke. His thumb flicks the ashes of the cigarette on the ashtray he had on the bed next to him. I may have nothing to say, but my thoughts were running and they were running wild. I knew I said I wasn't going to let his sex appeal control me and there's really no reason for it to be when he is merely laying down, smoking. But it's in the way this lures me in that I feel the need to touch him.

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