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As soon as I realized there was a bathroom in what would be my room for the time being, I immediately hopped in the shower. I used the shampoo and conditioner I had taken from previous motels, hoping these guys did grocery shopping so that I could get some decent toiletries. Showers were the only thing keeping me sane at this point, it was the only thing that remained constant in my life. It seemed as though everything else around me I didn't know about, or was changing completely.

I hadn't noticed the bags under my eyes because I never really looked in the mirror anymore, along with the cut from yesterday on my lip. It was swollen and red and it hurt like a bitch when I brushed my teeth. I changed into a spaghetti strap shirt and a pair of leggings along with some socks and went downstairs, not even bothering to brush out my hair.

When I reached downstairs, I saw all the men except for Styles who was nowhere in sight. Was he not staying here? Did he just leave me here with all these men? I decided on just going back up to my room since I didn't really like the idea of me being alone with men before Louis calls to me.

"Come join us." He says. I turn around with a fake smile on my face before going towards them. Zayn gets up from the couch, giving me his seat making me thank him.

"Can I offer you anything to eat? Drink?" Zayn asks, going towards the kitchen.

"I'll take a water." I say politely with a smile making him nod.

There's a brief period of silence as everyone looks at me. Louis clears his throat.

"So," Louis starts. "You cold?" He asks making me raise a brow before he signaled to my chest. My face heats up and I cover my chest with my arms in embarrassment. Liam elbows him making him wince.

"Please, excuse him. He's never been around a person the opposite sex in his life." Zayn says, sitting on the arm of the couch next to me and handing me my water. "Let me ask a valid non intrusive question: what do you do for fun?"

I shrug. "There's not much I can do. Read when I have books to read." I say making Niall's face scrunch up.

"Read?" He mocks. "In this house we don't read. We play games and try our best not to kill ourselves." He says making Louis nod.

"What do you mean?"

"Well for starters, we like to play a little game we call bottle bowl." Louis says, and Liam sighs in obvious annoyance.

"It's fucking bowling, mate. Calling it that doesn't make it cool. Besides, the name doesn't even make sense, it's just fucking stupid." Zayn remarks, standing up from the arm rest on the couch. He nods his head towards the backyard and the guys stand up. "Come on." Zayn nods his head gesturing for me to follow him. When I do, I walk next to him. "By the way, what happened with your—" he points at his lip. "Styles didn't hit you or anything, did he?" He asks.

"Oh, no." I shake my head. "He just pushed us out of a two story building." I say casually making him raise his eyebrows. "The men—they found us at the apartment. The only way out was through the window."

"That's hardcore." He laughs making me do the same. When we reach the backyard, the guys were setting up empty beer bottles in a triangle before they bring out a basketball.

"Have you ever bowled, Tina?" Louis asks making me scrunch my face at the ugly nickname. My sister used to call me that when we were younger just to tease me.

I forgot how much I hated that stupid nickname.

"What?" I say when Zayn nudges me. "Oh um, no I haven't. I never got to leave my house."

"You've never bowled in your life?" Niall asks making me shake my head.

"My father never let me do much." I say and they all look at each other.

"I'll teach you. It isn't that hard." Zayn says, setting his beer down. I smile and watch as Louis throws the ball, aiming away and towards Niall's crotch that stood behind the lined up bottles. Niall topples over and groans, clutching his crotch. Zayn and I laugh. Liam shoves Louis who's laughing before he motions Niall to throw him the ball to which he does, aiming for his face but missing. When Niall misses, his glare neutralizes as he looks behind us.

When I turn, sure enough Styles was there. An angry look on his face as he stood by the door, unfazed by the airborne ball. "What the hell are you doing?" He asks annoyed.

"Bowling, the fucks it look like?" Louis remarks, retrieving the ball. "Alright, no shitting around this time."

"It's past ten thirty, it's time for you to get inside." Styles says, referring to me.

"I haven't even played, besides I'm not tired and I only just got here." I cross my arms.

"Just get inside, you won't like it if I have to make you."

"Styles, why don't you ease up? Let her enjoy herself for tonight. I'm sure she can really use it after having spent a month and a half with you. I'll make sure she's in later." Liam says, drinking from his beer. Styles looks at him before looking at Zayn, noticing our close proximity. He gives us an annoyed look but goes inside, sits on the couch and opens his laptop.

So he obviously trusts Liam a bit more than he does anyone else in here. I'm sure if it was anyone else, he'd probably draw his gun at them like he did to me.

"I can't imagine what you went through with him." Zayn says with a relieved sigh.

"I think he gave me PTSD." I exasperate and Zayn let's put a throaty laugh.

"Your turn." Liam says, passing the ball to me. I go towards the bottles, standing directly in front of them before throwing ball and missing completely.

"I don't think you understand the concept of bowling." Louis retorts making Zayn shrug him off.

"Here." Zayn says, walking towards me, catching the ball Niall threw at him. "Are you a rightie or a leftie?"

"Right." I say and he places the ball in my right hand before standing behind me. I feel him grab my ankle and put it a few inches behind my other one. Zayn then grabs my right wrist and puts it a little behind me.

"Go for it." He says and when I do, the ball hits the bottles, knocking down four of them on the right corners making me clap in excitement.

"I ace at bowling. I know what I'm telling you." Zayn says, giving me a high five.

When I turn around to grab my water bottle from the table, I see Styles standing in front of the glass door, the light making him appear as a silhouette but I could tell he was glaring at me before he walks away.

I ignored him and got back to watching Zayn take his turn.

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