Chapter 9

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I know it's been a minute since I updated so I updated 2 chapters. They're not really interesting but they're important. Thanks for the supporters. Please dont forget to vote and comment. I love opinions and positive critism.


Chapter 9

(Patience's Pov)

Once I got in the house I vacuumed, did the few dirty dishes, showered, then finally was able to relax. I put in Love and Basketball and flopped down on my huge, plush California King size bed and snuggled with my pillow.

I watched the athletic couple and wondered what it felt like to be loved. My own father didn't love me and all Snake ever wanted me for was to show me off, and control me. Love was a foreign feeling to me, sometimes I wondered if I would ever feel that for someone other than my students.

I could see bright car lights shining through my bedroom window sending me into immediate panic mode.

I peeped through the blinds to see two cars directly in front of my house. If Snake knew where I lived I was dead woman walking. The two cars pulled off and I gathered as many weapons as possible, knowing they wouldn't really be any help. I snuggled in my covers, unable to sleep. My gut told me I would be taking a long, long nap sooner than later.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I thought about the the brutal things Snake would do to me. I was truly afraid for my life.

I got up and got dressed, stressed about the whole situation. I didn't feel like going to work for the first time ever. I was tired from not sleeping and emotionally drained just from thinking about Snake. My mind was telling me to run but I knew I couldn't just leave my life. I was finally financially stable and plus I had accomplished my dreams. This time around Snake would have to kill me because I refused to just up and leave without a fight.

I threw on a designer t-shirt and jeans, completely different from my usual attire, then headed to work.

The whole day I was on edge. I was beyond ready to go home but at the same time scared to be alone.

"I know one thing, King better not be late today." I thought to myself while watching Keara study her sight words.

The thought of King no longer excited me. He rarely paid me any attention anymore so I decided to let that go. Men are nothing but problems anyway. I fought my heart with my brain whenever I thought of King.

It was close to the end of the day, I passed out homework sheets, made the children pack there things, and conversed with them a little before the bell rang.

"See you guys later." My accent was on full effect for some reason. The more nervous I became the harder it was for me to sound American.

The ones paying attention smiled but most of them scurried out the door.

To my surprise Keara was picked up on time. I squinted to see into the car it wasn't King or the rude nanny lady. At first I was skeptical about letting Keara get into the car but she seemed comfortable with the lady and though I felt awkwardly close to her, I knew it was out of place to step in.

The lady was very pretty. Not like normal pretty. She was gorgeous and I immediately felt jealous. Maybe she was the reason King stopped paying me any attention. I watched as the lady hugged Keara and pulled off.

I got into my car deciding not to go straight home. I drove around then went to Olive Garden.

"A table for one? Or do you have reservations?" The hostess asked.

"No just me." I responded following her to the nearest empty table.

"Is it possible for me to sit in the back by the window?"

She smiled. "Sure why not?"

"Your waiter will be here shortly." She said rubbing my hand for way too long then walked off.

I watched as an expensive sports car pulled up.

The car seemed oddly familiar and that's when it hit me, that was one of the cars infront of my house from the prior night.

I grew tense but out of curiosity I still watched to see who would exit the vehicle.


Everything made perfect sense now. Snake and King knew one another obviously and Snake more than likely sent King after me . That explains why King tried so hard to take me out. He's probably the one who let Snake know where I work so he could follow me home.

I watched as King entered the restaurant .

Usually my heart fluttered whenever I seen him, it did this time also, just not in a romantic way. I was so close to letting him in now I was nothing less than afraid of him.

I got up to walk out, hoping he wouldn't notice me but of course, just my luck, he did.

"Didn't expect to see you here, what a coincidence." His baritone forced his words into my ears.

Coincidence my ass. "Yeah actually I was leaving." I was nervous and afraid.

"Damn ma you and that accent is sum serious and dang I was just about to ask if u wanted to join Keara and I."

"Um no nnno thank you, whawhawhere is Keara?" I studdered and stumbled over words, basically displaying my fear.

"My friend is dropping her off."

"Oh okay well see you later." I began to walk off.

"Ill be seeing you real soon." He winked his eye.

I took that as a sign.

I went home and tried my best to stay awake and alert but exhaustion took over my body and I fell into a deep sleep. Not awakening til the next morning.

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