Well, that escalated quickly!

19 2 4

Published on November the 15th, 2018.

"Et Tu, Dominic!" May gasps as she feels the cold steel sliding between her ribs. "Esther; not you as well..." she croaks as another stilleto is thrust deep into her back. The political landmine the Prime Minister trod on yesterday had a delayed action fuse, detonating only this morning.

But the trouble with zombies is its difficult to kill that which never had a soul and is already effectively dead; so step forward Jacob Rees-Mogg with his letter of no-confidence doom; if that doesn't finish her off, nothing will.

As for the old style telephone directory sized, 500 page draft agreement, produced at great effort and expense, it's worm food now. The only choices are to attempt to get it renegotiated in the short time remaining - which is an unlikely prospect - or make crash preparations for a 'bare bones' no deal.

And now I'm swinging and here I go-oh-oh-oh-oh...

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