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Published on March 18th, 2019.

The Speaker (chairman) of the House of Commons, John Bercow has thrown a large spanner in Theresa May's plans by ruling that, unless the draft Withdrawal Agreement is substantially changed, it cannot be resubmitted to Parliament in this session, so ending any hopes the Prime Minister might have had of trying to hammer it through for a third time in its present form.

I doubt if there will be any substantive changes to it offered by the EU at their summit later this week, and with only a scant week to go to Exit Day by then, that will probably be the point at which May is told that without a roadmap as to how to end the impasse - a near impossibility now - there is no chance of the UK bring granted an Article 50 extension, and preparations will be enacted for a hard Brexit.

Short of the 'nuclear option' - the unilateral revoking of the UK Article 50 declaration being triggered, or some other equally astounding manoeuvre being attempted, the UK's membership of the EU has only a few days left to run.

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