Boris The Bottler Tries Again

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"I will not negotiate a delay with the EU, neither does the law compel me to." - Boris Johnson, October 19th, 2019.

Those words rang hollow, for shortly after saying them, BoJo bottled it and duly sent the request for an Article 50 extension to Brussels as required by the Benn Act.

As he's just found out out, attempting to duck the issue is doing no good at all; Speaker of the House John Bercow has rejected the government's attempt to reset Saturday's defeat by resubmitting the Withdrawal Agreement Bill for an 'up or down vote' today. Instead they will try to formally re-table it for tomorrow, while threatening to pull the Bill if there any wrecking amendments introduced, such as one stipulating a second referendum. Though given Johnson has shown himself to be all wind and trousers when push comes to shove, who will take that threat seriously?

Meanwhile the EU, having received the Benn Act surrender letter, are watching with interest as events unfold in the UK before making a decision. Yet again, thanks to the serial treachery of the political establishment, it is left for Brussels to decide if a supposedly sovereign nation having declared an intention to leave the bloc, is actually allowed to. There are hints of a further extension being granted against the UK's will, or that France's patience has come to an end. But tomorrow - Tuesday - is another day, and shaping up to be another Groundhog Day.

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