By Hook Or By Crook...

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Published on October the 28th, 2019. 13.25.

CLANG! And run the closing credits. The French caved-in even sooner than expected and the thrice humiliated UK remains trapped in the EU Village until January the 31st, 2020, or perhaps earlier if the WAB is passed.

Now attention will turn to BoJo's attempt to force an election today, which appears doomed to failure, or the Lib-Dem/SNP bill for one tomorrow, which might have a chance of success. It's quite possible both attempts will falter due to lack of agreement or infantile attempts to pass yet more anti No-Deal amendments, in which case Parliament may remain gridlocked well into January...

Eventually The Prisoner escaped from the Village, as will the UK. By hook or by crook, we will! But it might be a longer and possibly nastier process than we first anticipated. The next 36 hours will decide which route we take. For everyone's sake I hope an election is called.

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