Baby, baby, baby, you're out of time...

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Published on January the 15th, 2019.

Well, baby, baby, baby, you're out of time
I said baby, baby, baby, you're out of time
Yes, you are, you're left out, yes, you are
I said you're left out of there without a doubt
'Cause baby, baby, baby, you're out of time. - Out of Time, by Chris Farlowe.

06.55. So today's the day; two years of acrimonious negotiations and parliamentary discord have led to this point when the House of Commons is expected to emphatically reject Mrs Misery's attempt to pervert Brexit into an national humiliation. By shortly after 7pm - though the process might take up to two hours depending on how many amendments are tabled and voted on - we should know exactly how unpopular she and her 'deal' are.

09.50. There's a dour, depressing, civil service grey overcast sky which is redolent of the way in which the Tories have sucked everything that is good out of Brexit, leaving us with a mess of confusion and fear.

18.38. Jeremy Corbyn finishes a rather lacklustre and naive speech. He doesn't come across as a possible prime minister.

18.40. Now the grey woman is speaking. She looks worn out, resigned to her fate. She appears unconvinced herself.

19.39. The result of the vote has been announced. May's 'deal' has been comprehensively defeated by 202 - 432, a record parliamentary loss.

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