Chapter 4

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At 5:50pm I pull up in front of 108 Mifflin Street. "Crap, this place is huge". I shut off the car, get out and go over to the passenger side to get the flowers and wine I bought. She said I didn't need to bring anything but I didn't want to show up empty handed. I knock on the door and wait a moment till Regina opens it. She looks gorgeous. She's wearing black pants and a white button down shirt. "Good evening Emma. I'm glad your here". "Thanks for having me. I brought you some flowers and a bottle of wine. I'm not much of a wine drinker but the guy at the store says it'll go well with lasagna. But you don't have to have it if you don't want to". Regina laughs and says. "Relax Emma. Thank you. That very kind of you. Please come in". She closes the door behind me and we walk up the stairs into the foyer. "You have a lovely home". "Thank you." She walks me into the living room. Please sit, I'm just going to go in the kitchen and and put these in some water and plate up the lasagna". "Do you need any help?"  "No dear everything is all set thank you. Henry we have a guest sweetie". He looks around from his playpen and I walk over to him. "Hey there kid. Are you having fun in there?"  I pick up one of his little bears and hand it to him. He takes it with a smile. "Dinner is ready. Would you mind bringing Henry with you?"  "Not at all. Come on little man it's time to fill our belly's". I follow Regina into the dinning room and it's beautiful. There is a round table with white linen and candles. There is lasagna, salad and bread sticks. Regina takes Henry from me and sits him in his high chair and says "Would you like to open the wine you brought? There is an opener right there". I nod and do just that, then pour us each glass. Henry is seated between us and Regina feeds him some of his baby food while also eating her dinner. I'm having a great time. The food is delicious the wine is actually good to, and of course our conversations flow easily between us. "I baked a homemade apple crisp for dessert if you'd like some Emma ". "Yes please that's sounds great". Regina gets up and starts to clear our dishes. I stand to help and she says "Have a seat dear, I've got this". And she walks away. I sit and chat with Henry till she comes back with an amazing looking plate of apple crisp for us and a jar of something for the kid. I pick up the jar and see it's bananas. "Wow Henry you are one lucky kid. You got bananas. That's my favorite". I say in an exciting voice for him. He gives a big smile and blabs some baby sounds. "His spoon is right there if you'd like to give him some". "Really?"  I say surprised. "Sure why not". I open the jar, mix it around a bit with the spoon and scoop some up and bring it to Henry's mouth and he opens wide. I give him more. "See I told you it was good right". I look at Regina and she's smiling at us. I blush a bit. "Here let me take over so you can eat the dessert before it gets cold". I nod and hand her the jar and dig in. "Hmm Regina this is delicious". "Thank you". She says with a shy smile. After our dinner is done she puts Henry in his playpen and I help her clean up the kitchen and dinning room, even though she said she was fine. I helped anyway. Walking out of the kitchen together we hear a knock at the door. "I wonder who that could be, I'm not expecting anyone". "I'll go check on Henry while you get that". "Yes, thank you".

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