Chapter 6

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We sit in her study and have, from what she told me was her homemade apple cider. It's good and strong. There was a few moments of silence before she started talking. "I dated Robin for about about two months and then I found out that he was still with his wife. He had told me that she left him over a year ago, but that was a lie. They were together the whole time we were. When I found out I broke it off immediately and even before I had ended it, I noticed a strange change in him. It was like he was getting more possessive over me. He'd call me all time saying he just drove by my house and didn't see my car. He wanted to know where I was all the time. So when I ended it. He took it badly. He grabbed my wrists and pushed me against the wall and said he wasn't that easy to get rid of. I got very scared that he was going to do something to me. I tried to calmly explain that I wouldn't date a married man. I told him to go back and be with his wife. Then thankfully Henry started crying and he moved away from me. When he left he said he would give me some time to think about it, I said I didn't need time. He just laughed and walked out. That was about three weeks ago and since then he keeps calling me, I had to block his number and tell my secretary not to put his calls through, and tonight was the second time he's shown up here. He just won't take no for an answer". She says all that as she fights the tears in her eyes. I feel so bad so I get up and sit next to her and put my arm around her shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that Regina. Have you thought about maybe getting a restraining order against him?"  She shakes her head. "I don't want to make matters worse".  "I'll serve it to him, let him know you want to be left alone. Please let me help you". She shrugs and put her head in her hands. "You don't have to be scared Gina I'm here for you and for Henry. I won't let anything happen". She sniffles a bit and looks at me. "Really?"  "Yes, Really". She lets out a breath and leans into my shoulder and I just wrap my arms around her and rub her back. After a few minutes I hear her chuckle. "What is it?"  "I See now why Henry is so comfortable being held by you". I smile and hold her tighter. I've known her a little over 24 hours but this feels so comfortable. Her in my arms, I could get used to this. "Used to what?" She says. Crap did I just say that last part out loud?

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