Chapter 21

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Waking up early the next morning I hear Henry whimpering from the baby monitor and feel Regina trying to get out of my arms. I hold tighter. "No, don't leave me". "I have to my love, I need to go check on Henry". She says and kisses my lips. "Ok, but hurry back".  I look at the clock and it's only 5:45. She comes back to bed with a tired Henry on her shoulder. "Hey little man. Good morning".  He holds his arms out to me. I hold him close. "Happy birthday Henry". I say and kiss his head. His eyes start to flutter closed. We lay back down and sleep for a few extra hours all snuggled together. A while later I feel a small finger poking my face. I smile and open my eyes and see Henry smiling at me. "Hey kid. What's up?"   I look over and see Regina still sleeping. Looking at the clock it's just after 9. "Let's go get breakfast and let mommy sleep ok". I pick him up and head to his bedroom to change his diaper. Then we go down to the kitchen and I put him in his high chair and give him some apple juice. "So how about some oatmeal and some fruit for breakfast today birthday boy?"  He gives me a cute giggle. I turn on the radio and sing and dance while I make breakfast for us. He seems to be enjoying himself and I am too. One of my favorite Patsy Cline songs "Back in baby's arms" comes on. I love her voice and the song has a good beat. So while I'm waiting for the oatmeal I pick him up and sing the chorus "I'm back where I belong back in baby's arms". As I'm dancing around I come to find Regina standing in the door way and I stop. I turn a bright shade of red. She gives a clap and says. "That was beautiful Emma". I sit Henry back in his high chair say thank you and check on the oatmeal. Regina walks up and wraps her arms around me and kisses my shoulder. "Don't be so shy my love. You have a beautiful voice and you definitely got the moves".  Then she smacks my ass and I let out a surprised yelp. She walks over to Henry "Good morning my little prince. Happy birthday to you". I scoop out oatmeal in bowls and ask Regina if she'd like some. She nods. I put some cut up fruit in a big bowl for us all and put a few strawberries and banana pieces on Henry's high chair top. He loves strawberries. As we eat we talk about Henry's party today that we need to set up for. Some of her friends are coming that I haven't met yet and I'm a little nervous because I'm sure Regina has told them about what we've been going through. If I have a problem with anyone it may be her friend Kat. They've been friends since childhood and is a little protective. Regina must see the nervousness on my face and takes my hand from across the table. "My love please don't worry about Kat. She knows how hard you've been working".  "Yes but she also knows what happened between us and how I just gave up".  "Emma you never gave up. You needed to work out all the feelings you've had locked up for so long. That takes courage my love". I shrug. She's right I know that, but it's still a little uncomfortable to hear good things about myself. We clean up after breakfast and put Henry in his playpen and start decorating for the party. I look over at him and see him sleeping and ask if I should put him up in his crib so we can move the playpen and put the folding table up for the food. "Yes darling that would be great, thank you".  While I'm upstairs with a sleeping Henry I hear the door bell. The party doesn't start for another hour and a half so I wonder who it is. I place Henry down in his crib and cover him up. I just stand and look at him for a minute. I just love him so much. I force myself away and head downstairs.

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