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"You do something to me
Something that simply mystifies me
Tell me, why should it be
You have the power to hypnotize me"

Song: You Do Something To Me - Ella Fitzgerald


Harry's P.O.V:

Why is she always making excuses for Dylan?

I've watched her do it a handful of times now, I can't figure out why she does it.

It irritates the hell out of me.

Why is such a beautiful person with someone that treats them like they're not the most important thing in the world.

I don't like Dylan, I don't like her one bit.

Joey offered to help me when she barely knew me, a complete stranger, just because she knew I needed it, I'd still be going to sleep sick on the stomach with worry about what the hell I was going to do if it wasn't for her, and have Emma making me feel like I keep letting her down.

Someone as rare as Joey deserves the world.

She pokes the corner of my mouth "If the wind changes you'll be stuck like that, be a shame for such a pretty face"

Don't try sweet talking me now love.

You and I both know you deserve better.

I pull my face away playfully, the corner of my lip tugging upwards "Now who's being immature"

Okay so maybe the sweet talking is working a little bit.

I knew she thought I was pretty.

Feelings mutual darlin.

Joey drop the corners of her mouth, lifting her brows "Never said I wasn't"

It's impossible to be annoyed at this woman, I have the resilience of a wet paper bag with her.

Joey tilts her head to the side, those big blue eyes staring thoughtfully at me, tapping her fingers against her knees "So I guess today has been pretty crap for both of us"

I wouldn't say that, it's been pretty amazing since I turned up here, yeah just turned up here completely unannounced with movies and a bag of food, way to look like a needy puppy Harry.

You twat.

"Well it was, my day has turned out amazing since I turned up at your place like some stalker" I laugh, staring down at my lap hoping she can't tell my  are cheeks heating up.

Prattle on some more about it why don't you, you sappy bastard.

I always feel like I blurt out the stupidest things around her, it's like my brain glitches and I word vomit without thinking.

"A stalker with food is my favourite kind"

She smiles at me, her bright eyes lighting up, and I get that same feeling in my stomach.

It's that feeling you get when you get to the top of a rollercoaster and drop suddenly.

It's been happening since I first saw her in that diner, I can't explain it.

I can't stop thinking about that first smile she gave me, it felt like the rollercoaster finally dropped and I was free falling.

I can't stop thinking about that first smile she gave me, it felt like the rollercoaster finally dropped and I was free falling

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