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"Woo, ain't there nothin' you can take?

I say, woo, to relieve your belly ache"

Song: Coconut - Harry Nilsson


A/N: Ohai love bugs, it's been forever - I'm terrible, please smack me on the nose. I don't really have any excuses for how slow this story has been with updates aside from I've been struggling to keep up with all three of my stories at once, as well as life being mental. I appreciate anyone that's still sticking with it, you have my whole ass heart and endless gratitude.

This story wouldn't be the same without you, I missed you.


March 29th

Harry is being a grumpy puppy.

It's been four days since Dylan came by the bar, and at first I thought he may have been acting a bit off because of that but he seemed fine up until a couple days ago and it's gotten progressively worse.

I was personally fine after Dylan left, all things considered. I suppose that whole thing was the closure I really needed in that part of my life. I mean, it did feel really bizarre. It's strange having the last eight years feel like a waste.

However it still rings true that I'd rather waste eight years than waste the rest of my life.

All seeing Dylan did is completely reaffirm that I never ever want to go back to the type of life I had, and I want what I have now.

Not to mention the absolute celebration Finn had after she left. You'd swear he'd won the lottery. He was skipping around behind the damn bar waving dildos around like it was the best day of his life that entire whole night.

It was a slow night at the bar, it was only Harry and I tonight, so we shut at 11.30. We only had a few regulars and a small handful of other people.

Even though they were still rowdy, I didn't see the bar getting any busier so we managed to get them all out by about 11.15.

I had been noticing the sour look on Harry's face tonight especially.

It has crossed my mind that maybe he was simply tired, but I know what tired looks like on him and he was definitely in a pissy mood even though he tried to disguise the glares I caught a few times.

I've tried asking what was wrong but he simply said nothing - which was a total bullshit lie.

I'm totally stumped over what his issue is, and I'm fairly sure I haven't done anything either.

If I wasn't so aware of bigfoot, I may have suspected he was menstruating.

So while he's been sitting on the couch re-watching Dirty Dancing in silence since we got back up here at midnight and is barely looking at me, I decided I'm going to snap him out of this mood he's been stuck in one way or another. Maybe then I can drag whatever has his balls in a knot out of him.

I set up what I needed in the main bathroom, before making my way out to the kitchen and gathering all of the ingredients I need.

I grab several slices of bread, placing them on the counter and butter them; then use a heart shaped cookie cutter to cut the shapes out of the bread and proceed to cover the buttered side in rainbow sprinkles before placing them all onto a plate.

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