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"Well a hard headed woman
A soft hearted man
Been the cause of trouble
Ever since the world began"


It's finally Sunday, the day I take Harry to Graceland for his birthday present.

We flew into Memphis yesterday and I've come to learn that taking Harry on a holiday is much the same as taking a small excited child to Disney land.

I was woken up at the crack of dawn on Saturday - even though our flight wasn't until the afternoon, and when I grumbled and damn near knocked Harry out for trying to wake me up so early after we had only gone to sleep a few hours prior he decided to be a sly little shit and shuffle his way under the covers, burying his face between my legs until I was well and truly awake.

Well, jokes on him because after that I needed a nanna nap - so his little genius idea wasn't so genius after all.

He was ready with a suitcase packed practically bouncing at the door when Finn came to drive us to the airport, nearly ripping my arm out of the socket pulling me along to hurry to the car.

You'd swear he thought Graceland was going to burn down before we got there.

I have to admit, that soft part of me that he seems to be bringing out loved how excited he was. It was adorable seeing a grown man act so child like with glee over going somewhere.

But then again, I guess this is a childhood dream of his and I'm just happy I can make it a reality for him.

By the time we actually got on the plane Harry couldn't contain himself, he was a million and one rambling fact machine about Elvis.

I never knew that I needed to know that Elvis's nickname for his dick was apparently 'Little Elvis' - but according to Harry, I needed to know that.

I love Harry - I really do, but god help me if I didn't wish I could have given him a damn Valium and knocked him the hell out.

It was an hour and a half of listening to someone like they were on a rant after having coffee injected through an IV drip, but... The way his eyes were lit up, how large his smile was anchoring that dimple in his cheek had me not smothering him with a pillow.

I adore this boy, I just wish he'd take a damn breath in between words.

I was slightly distracted through his rambles, the curly haired chatter box couldn't keep his hands to himself.

He was constantly touching me, whether it was threading his fingers with my own, running his hand up my thigh, brushing my hair over my shoulder or telling me I had something on my shirt which was just a very non-subtle attempt to touch my boobs - he just couldn't help himself.

He was like a ball of energy bouncing off the walls,  which only got worse when we finally got to our accommodation, which thankfully was only about 10 minutes from the airport.

I had booked us in at The Guest House at Graceland, just to really give him the best experience possible.

He was wide eyed and wondrous throughout the whole hotel, looking like he was seeing heaven for the first time and I didn't know how he was going to cope with Graceland if this was his reaction to the hotel.

I was also lost my own head since we left with a bit of anxiety, hoping Finn doesn't burn my damn bar down tonight.

We are going to be back in time to open and work on Monday night, and the bar is closed Sunday's but still - entrusting Finn with the bar when I'm in a different state is much different to having him handle it for the night when I'm only a few minutes drive away.

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