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"I'm in the mood, I'm in the mood, baby, in the mood for love"

"I'm in the mood, I'm in the mood, baby, in the mood for love"

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Today we fly home, and this has certainly been a weekend I'll never forget.

I know it was an important weekend for Harry but it's been a life changing one for me.

It's still so crazy to think that boy I ran into, in the diner all those months ago would end up being the person I fell absolutely head over heels in love with.

I mean, aside from it being a random meeting with a stranger - I was a lesbian, so it was the last thing I excpected.

I've never ever been one to believe in fate, or soul mates or any of that fairy tale poppy cock but all I do know is that, that letter has to mean something.

It makes absolutely no logical sense, but like I've said to Harry before - not everything has to make sense.

I wonder what Harry would think of the letter? Would it freak him out?

It freaked me out, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.

I guess things are still so new with us, that I'm just waiting until the dust settles in my mind before I decide what to do about it.

So much has happened at once, so god damn fast.

I ended a eight year relationship, one I was in for a third of my life. Everything I thought about myself and my sexuality was flipped on its head, and I fell in love with a guy almost a decade younger that me.

When you add that letter on top of that, it feels really overwhelming.

I'm handling it far better than I expected but I also know I have a big problem with ignoring things and staying in denial, avoiding things.

I still get worried everything is going to hit me at once like a tonne of bricks and burst this happy bubble we've been in.

As for right now though, I can push that to the back of my mind. Because I'm very content with slowly waking up, blinking my eyes open and feeling that warmth from Harrys chest pressed against my back and his arm wrapped around my waist.

I lay there letting myself wake up properly and focus on the clock on the bedside table next to us to see its only 8am, we've got a couple hours until we need to check out.

Good. My ass is not moving right now, far too content.

As I lay there though, listening to Harrys even shallow breathing; I notice a friend trying to say good morning that is poking me in the behind not so inconspicuously at all.

Does that thing ever have an off switch? I've noticed a few times its like that of a morning and I'm wondering if it's just always like that when he wakes up.

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