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"Didn't know how lost I was
Until I found you"


Well, Finn didn't burn down my bar. So that's a bonus.


Walking into the bar once we got home, and seeing a life sized cut out of a half naked Brad Pitt, stuck on the wall with several suction cup dildos attached to it; is not what I was expecting, but at the same time... exactly what I was expecting from leaving Finn in charge.

I don't even know if I want to know what went on while I was gone.

Harry spent a good fifteen minutes hunched over cackling as soon as we walked in and saw it. As soon as he would compose himself and look up he would only burst out laughing again.

By the time we got up to the apartment, where Finn was staying while we were away and got inside; we both walked in and stopped in our tracks to see Finn in the kitchen in only his tight white underwear and socks, with a dish towel over his shoulder  blasting 'Like a virgin' by Madonna while singing seductively into a spatula as he made himself some eggs.

"Finn!" I shout, but his back is to us and he still can't hear me over the deafening level of music.

Thank Christ I don't have neighbours.

"Oooo! Like a virgin! Touched for the very first time!" Finn wails, whipping his hips back and forth in a shimmy as he pushes his eggs around in the frying pan.

"FINN!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I stand just outside of the kitchen.

Finn jolts and spins around on his heel to face me with a startled look until he locks eyes on me, then breaks out into a grin as he shouts and bops to the music again "Oh you're home! I'm making eggs - you want some eggs?"

"Can you turn the music off?" I shout back, barely able to hear him.

Finn cups his hand behind his ear "Huh?"

"Turn the music off!"


"The music!"

"I can't hear you!"

Just before I launch into the kitchen to slap him the music cuts out, and I look behind me to see Harry over at the stereo near the TV trying to hide his laugh behind a cough.

"That's better" Finn sighs in relief "So what were you saying Joey? Something about you getting off? So Memphis was good?" He gives me a shit eating grin at the end of his sentence and places his hands on his hips.

"Shut it Finn" I glare, and he only waggles his brows at me before turning back to his eggs "Why is there Brad Pitt in my bar covered in dildos?"

Finn snorts, taking the fry pan off the stove and emptying his eggs onto a plate "We played stick the dick on Brad Pitt on Saturday night - winner got free shots"

"Of course you fucking did" I mutter, pinching the bridge of my nose.

Im not even gonna ask where he got so many dildos from. I don't want to know.

"So I'm guessing that's a no to the scrambled  eggs then?" Finn asks, turning to face me again as he pulls the dish towel from his shoulder and drops it on the counter "Harry scramble something else for you over the weekend did he?"

I just keep glaring at Finn, while he looks to Harry with an eager smile and whatever face Harry is making, makes Finns jaw drop like it has a sack of bricks attached to it.

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