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"Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you"


I don't even think we needed the virtual tour with the IPad for Graceland, Harry was practically the tour guide.

However, I wouldn't trade the world for the look on his face the entire time we were there.

As much as visiting Graceland was a dream come true for Harry, seeing so much happiness glowing from his entire face was a dream come true for me.

Being able to bring some much joy to someone that you care about so deeply is a priceless feeling, to offer them memories, ones that they can look back on and smile about.

I think the biggest reward of all of it is just that he appreciates it, it's important to him and that means the world, because he's important to me.

After we had finished touring the house, we went to the garden where Elvis is buried; it was almost a surreal experience for Harry, someone that seemed so unattainable and so far away right in front of him and laying beneath his feet.

I guess if anything it just shows the humanity of every person that exists, doesn't matter how big of a star or how big your persona is; you're still just human, you aren't larger than life and we all end up in the same place.

I think personally that's why I've thought, if you want to keep your idols on their pedestals, keep them far away and unattainable; unless you want to see then for exactly what they are, just as person.

"...Be in poor taste to ask for an autograph wouldn't it?" I say, glancing sideways at Harry who was stood next to me staring at the grave with a thoughtful sombre expression.

He looks quite sad, but what type of sadness it is I'm not quite sure, but either way I hate seeing that look on his face; so I guess cracking jokes at a grave site is something I do now.

A smile cracked on his lips, and he cackled out a surprised laugh "I can't believe you just said that"

I cock a brow at him "Really? You can't believe it?"

His eyes look over my face with an adoring expression and he shakes his head "Actually, I take that back. I can definitely believe it, wouldn't expect any less from you."

I shove his shoulder with mine, laughing under my breath "So... Have you had a good day?"

Harry smiles, sighing out a deep breath and looking around the property and then back to me "It's been brilliant, better than I imagined. Best part was that I got to do it with you"

I make a mock gagging expression, calling him a sap and shoving his shoulder again; but then quickly lean up to press a kiss to his lips.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it - it's a fun tour... They end it on a bit of a depressing note though" I say, glancing at the grave " 'Here have a look at your idols life and accomplishments, oh and by the way don't forget he's dead'"

Harry purses his lips, squinting his eyes at me and trying not to laugh at the middle aged woman next to us decked out in Elvis merchandised, glaring at me through her tears and not hiding her obvious distaste for my humour, looking like I've just disrespected her religion.

"The way you see things will never cease to amaze me" he chuckles under his breath, snaking his arm around my waist.

"At least I'll keep you on your toes" I point out, lifting my brows at him and he shrugs his shoulders in a 'can't argue there' expression.

Unforgettable Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora