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"Blue moon
You knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for"


1 Month Later
February 23rd


It's been an interesting month.

The bar has been doing amazing actually, buzzing with customers. Finn quit his job and started working part time at the bar so Harry could spend more nights performing which was drawing in larger crowds each night.

I'd like to think that the influx in business is mostly due to the small local fan base Harry has created for himself; but our busiest night is by far 'Stick the Dildo on insert random celebrities name here' that Finn has now made a tradition out of on Saturday nights.

He swaps the celebrities each week with a brand new life sized cut out. The smart ass got a Danny Devito one last weekend which had Harry in fucking stitches.

I'm never telling Finn about my sex life again. You confide in him about the story of the first time you see a dick and look what he does.


I've managed to somewhat stop having an existential crisis over this whole thing with Harry and just letting myself enjoy it.

Part of it had to do with when Dad came to visit before he went back to Australia. That was both a great and fucking traumatizing day.

I could tell he was over the moon when I said I had ended things with Dylan.

No, honestly, I literally could because he threw his hands in the air and ran laps around the lounge room hollering "Ding Dong the witch is dead! Which old witch? That Dylan bitch!"

I didn't find it funny. Harry, however, was trying to hold in his laughter that hard beside me I thought he may actually burst.

And then the part where I had to tell Dad about whatever this is between Harry and I...

I knew it was coming.

The wide grin that broke out on Dads face, matched by the terrified look on Harrys face when Dad stalked towards him and gave him a congratulatory smack on the back that knocked the wind out of the poor kid.

"So you're the house that fell on the witch. So much for just friends, you sly dog Hazza" he'd bellowed, making Harry turn bright red as he wheezed in his breaths.

...And then came the hours of sexual innuendos and sly digs at both Harry and I while Dad cackled at his own jokes.

The part that made me feel better though, was when I had a talk with Dad just before he went to bed; Harry had already said goodnight and gone to our room and I was just sat on the couch with Dad while he finished his beer.

"I'm only gonna say this once Pooh Bear, don't over think a good thing. He makes you happy, so let yourself be happy for once"

Dad's advice came out suddenly, and I guess he just knows me well enough to know how I'd be feeling about this whole thing.

He went quiet for a moment, and then slung his arm around my shoulder and pressed a kiss to my temple "It's all your mum ever wanted, you know? Her dream was just seeing you happy"

The emotion that exploded inside me as soon as he said that, was something I couldn't contain and my throat damn near swelled shut. We never really spoke about mum with each other often, I think it just made us both too sad.

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