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"Thunder only happens when it's raining, Players only love you when they're playing
Say women they will come and they will go, When the rain washes you clean, you'll know, you'll know"

Song: Dreams - Fleetwood Mac


It's been a month. A month since a stranger in a diner helped me off the ground and now I'm struggling to remember what my life was like before he was in it.

We've been like two peas in a pod, the best of friends and everything seems brighter since he's been around.

He never misses a day of work, in fact he's always early. Some days he comes into work hours before he's meant to start and we just spend time goofing around, watching our movies or listening to music.

I think I've found my musical soulmate, I didn't expect Harry to love all of the old music that I do, but every time I put on a song he knows all the words every bit as much as I do.

He said he fell in love with that music as a kid, from a lot of the soundtracks of the movies he would watch with his mum. He seems like such an old soul for such a young guy, but I'm just happy I finally have someone to share my music with.

Finn usually says if he wanted to listen to something like that he'd visit a nursing home.

Go Vogue to some more Madonna you ass.

I've found a few things out about Harry over the weeks. He's twenty two. His favourite food is avocado on toast. He has a phobia of spiders and the kid really loves Elvis.

I found out the reason Harry loves Elvis so much, in particular, was because his songs were some of the first he learnt to play on guitar and sing to.

He admitted he likes writing songs as well, but never shows anyone.

This was after another night of a lot of vodka.

That little bastard thought he could keep it from me that he sings and plays guitar?

Not a chance.

I probably spent three days hounding him to let me hear him sing, or play a song for me but he promptly told me to fuck off.

I'll hear him one day, just you wait.

He also said as a teenager he went through a phase of listening to a lot of punk and heavy music, can't relate to that one.

I had a Fleetwood Mac phase.

That never ended.

You know, this past month has been the first time I haven't been overly bothered by Dylan's constant absence. The weeks she was gone flew by, as apposed to being torturous and dragging on. I guess I have him to thank for that as well.

I still can't quite put my finger on why Harry and I have bonded so quickly, or this inexplicable connection there seems to be with us. I knew I had a feeling he was special the day we met, and I don't think I'll ever figure out why.

Finn also adores him, aside from the obvious reason of hoping one day Harry will slip and fall on his dick, he actually gets along with him really well.

Which says a lot, Finn doesn't get along with anyone.

Another notable change, is I really don't mind Saturdays anymore. Instead of dreading them now, I look forward to them. My Saturday's consist of Harry now, work nights filled with pranks, laughter and ridiculous fucking dancing.

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