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"Come on and cry, cry baby"



Emma's pregnant. Very pregnant.

That's the only explanation  for what I'm staring at unless those nappies are for someone else and that's a tumour not a baby in her stomach.

Either that or she's trying to steal a watermelon.

I'm not exactly experienced with pregnancy and how far along people are just by looking at them but she certainly doesn't look like she recently got pregnant.

"Well Hi it's nice to see you too Harry" Emma sneers at him, pulling her jacket closed in front of herself and folding her arms over her chest.

I just can't stop staring, it feels like all the blood is frozen in my body.

Harry looks to me with panic flashing in his eyes before he snaps at Emma with his tone venomous "Don't give me that shit Emma - not when you're... you're" he waves his hand motioning to her stomach "like that, the first time I see you in months"

Emma scoffs, rolling her eyes and looks to me "So I guess Harry has blown his little innocent act with you then? You know what he's really like now with that temper? Guess you know he's actually an asshole now?"

"Only asshole in this conversation is the one I'm looking at" I reply without missing a beat, unable to stop the words before they come out.

"Whose is it? Could it be mine?" Harry's blunt voice cuts in, but I can hear the stress in it. He sounds as nauseous as I feel.

Emma's eyes snap to him; and I recognise that same spiteful look I saw the day she turned up at my apartment "Why would you care? You're the one that left me"

"You're the one that fucking cheated on me!" He bellows back, the volume of his voice making me jump and I place my hand on his arm as a silent way to try and settle him.

I can feel the tension building in him, hear the temper flaring in his voice and it still, even though he's told me about it - looks and sounds so strange on him.

Emma glares at Harry "That's rich coming from you" and then she points towards me "Fucking my friends behind my back while we were together were you? And you had the audacity to get angry at me"

"Hold up" I interrupt, lifting my hand up and shaking my head at Emma  "First of all, I am not your god damn friend and secondly he was not fucking me... Well, back then. The fucking started after I left Dylan and he'd already booted your ass well and truly out of his life."

Emma stares at me with a frozen expression and I point at her "But since we are on the subject" I add with a smile "The fucking we do now, is phenominal, by the way."

"So what you're just magically not gay now Joey? As if." She laughs, giving me a patronizing look but then shoots her sour stare back to Harry "You know you're just a phase to her then, right Harry? God this is hilarious"

"No I'm not, magically not gay any more Emma, just like you're magically not a cunt anymore - you dont know the first thing about what Harry is to me" I throw back, feeling my own irritation bubbling higher.

How did I never realise she was this irritating the whole time I knew her?

"Can you just answer my fucking question!" Harry bursts, making people walk past the isle stop and look at us. He points to Emmas stomach "How far along are you and is there a chance that fucking kid is mine?"

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