Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven - Being Named As A Father.



I was not sure if I was even breathing after I got to know that I was going to become a father. I had not in h*ll expected this to happen right now when there are so many things I was struggling with.

I wanted to be a father when I and Grace would be out of all the worries and we were about to have a peaceful life ahead of us. Not necessarily that after marriage, but when all the worries were gone, and we'd live happily.

"Alex, what's the matter?" Dory asked me, shaking me and bringing me back to the land of the living. I gave her a blank look, but my breathing was heavy.

"What is it, Alex?! For God's sake, just tell me!" Dory yelled again, and I still looked at her.

"Ace is pregnant," I whispered, barely moving my lips.

"God damn it! I'm getting old for God's sake, not young! Speak louder!" She yelled and then I lost it.

"Ace is f*cking pregnant! I'm going to be a father, Dory! Ace is pregnant!" I yelled loudly, and she looked at me, shocked by my outburst. But once she realized what the new was, she had a big smile on her face.

"Oh, my God! That's such a wonderful news!" Dory yelled sounding happy, completely oblivious about the thoughts going on my mind.

"Alex, why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Dory inquired when she finally noticed that my face was pale.

"Dory, I'm not ready to be a father! Right now, there are more important things in life than getting a baby!" I yelled on her and she almost raised her hand to hit me. But then she folded them into fists and pulled them down with anger.

"Alex, I've never been more disappointed in you." She spat and left the room to leave me alone in my misery. I fell on my knees, with the reports still in my hand.

I couldn't believe, she'd ever want to hit me. She never did in her entire life. This was the first time ever. And it hurt me so much, I didn't know what to do.

I reread the report, but nothing would change. It was still that same that Grace was pregnant, and I was gonna be the father. I read further where it said that she was almost a month pregnant.

How was I so blind? I didn't know.

Her cravings, mood swings, morning sickness, and even being sensitive on topics, everything, I read everything wrong. Why was I so blind?!

I sighed.

I was happy, but I was worried, cause Grace's life was already in danger, and with the baby, it all becomes ten times worse.

I got up and walked to find Dory. I knew she was in her room. I did hurt her in a way, or she'd never raise her hand at me.

"Dory, please open up. I'm sorry, I just want to talk to you right now. Please, mother. You have to know why I reacted the way I did." I said, and she just unlocked the door and left. I pushed the door to open.

She sat on the end of the bed, facing away from me. This was my queue.

"Dory, right now, Ace is in grave danger, her getting pregnant only adds more danger to both the lives. Don't you think I want a baby, a family, a happy life? I want, but I can't have it. I cannot risk lives for my happiness. Dory, once the news travels out, the danger doubles. I wanted a baby when I dealt with the bad guys who want to hurt Ace then we could've had a happy family. I'll give anything for a happy family, but not the life of anyone." I said as I felt on my knees beside her.

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