21-Hold Yourself Up

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I couldn't believe how unexceptionally amazing weekend it was. Knowing the baby's gender, revealing it on the island, the wedding and finally our honeymoon.

It felt good to finally say that I had a wife now and I was her husband. It was a prized possession for me. It made me feel complete.

There was a different feeling when we made love at our honeymoon. She was so happy about all the arrangements. She truly was my dream.

In unfortunate circumstances, we had to cut short of our honeymoon trip, but Grace was very happy about it. The shirt honeymoon didn't affect her demeanour.

I was just glad she was happy.

I still remember what she told when I had informed that we will be leaving the next day.


"Alex, it doesn't matter how big our honeymoon was, all that matters to me is how much we live with each other and how much quality time we spent together. It is okay if we leave soon, we both know love is constant. Any place and any moment with you is precious for me. Being here, with you all the time, is enough for me. I won't love you any less for cutting short our honeymoon." She said with a wink and I laughed.

"I'm really lucky, aren't I?" I said as I pulled her in my arms.

"Just as much as me being clumsy." She said and we both laughed.

End of flashback

I was just happy about everything going on currently. Even Moses hadn't given me any warning signs as of recently. It was all good.

I was currently waiting for Grace to call me or come down, so we can go to her appointment. She had already informed me in the morning and I had cleared my schedule for her. Rest everything can be managed by Alan.

Talking about him, I had convinced him to stay here until a few months after the babies come. I wanted to spend time with Grace and our babies. I didn't want to miss out on them.

He did agree and no, it wasn't a miracle, but Sierra. She was supposed to be visiting time to time and he was trying to kindle their romance. I had no idea how anything happened, but I think I'll give him time to tell me.

Grace was supposed to be here at 11.00 a.m as our appointment was at 11.30 a.m. It was already past 12.00 p.m, as I saw in my watch. Clearing my schedule must've taken some time.

I called her phone, but she didn't pick up. I tried again but the condition was the same. Event he house phone was just going to voicemail.

Was she sleeping? But then Matt should be home to take the call.

I immediately called Matt. He took the call on my first ring.

"Matt, where are you?" I asked him in a serious tone.

"Sir, I've been waiting downstairs for you and Ma'am, for an hour now. I and Dylan have been ready with the car." He said and I had a confused face.

"What do you mean by waiting? Where is Ace?" I asked him, getting worried.

"Sir, she told me to go down and I left. She told me that she'll be visiting your floor to get you and come downstairs." He informed.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! She still isn't here!" I yelled.

"Sir, it's almost an hour that I left her. Please look for her, I'm coming right up." He muttered in a hurry and I put my phone in the pocket and got out of the cabin. I got bumped into Martin and Alan was walking towards me with a file.

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