19-The Wedding Is On!

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There was this huge mansion where everyone had apparently settled. And we were surrounded by huge trees and all. It was a lovely view and no worries of any paparazzi. I was happy.

Everyone was sitting in the huge garden enjoying some drinks and barbeque. We had servants over here, too. I had thanked them and asked them to have lunch as soon as everyone would finish. They all smiled and nodded at me.

When I turned around, I heard chatters. Kids running around and playing. Females sitting and gossiping and laughing. Men talking business and football. Also, little cries of Angela. In few more months there will be more cries in our family.

Family. That was what it was to me. A very dear on at that. Everyone present over here mattered to me, a lot. I loved each one of them, dearly.

I looked around to see everyone I love, laughing and sharing memorable time with each other. There was nothing more I could think of wanting. I looked at Alex who was busy pulling Alan's leg and he looked frustrated, flustered even.

"Alex!" I yelled loudly. Everyone looked at me, with questioning eyes. They must've have thought that something happened to me, but that wasn't the case. He came forward and looked at me, with concern.

"What happened?" He asked and I just smiled at him.

"Alex, would you mind if I say, "I want to marry you...right here, right now", what would be your answer?" I asked him and he looked up shocked. I put my hand forward for him to take and waited for him to react something. His face slowly changed from a shocked one to a big smile. He took my hand and slowly pulled me to him.

"Then I'll say, "The wedding is on"." He said and immediately pulled me to kiss him. I blushed as I kissed him.

"Oh, stop you both. You can't kiss until the wedding now." Alison said as she pulled me back, in a teasing manner. I giggled.

"Kids these days, I tell you. So many things to do in such less time." Mom was the one who said, and I laughed.

"Mom, I just want a small wedding, near the beach. We all will just have some small function. We can have a big wedding reception with the world, but for me, my wedding with you all will be the best. So, don't worry about it too much." I said and she smiled. She kissed my temple.

"I knew you are the best for my son." She said and I smiled.

"So, I don't think there's much to do then." Martin was the one who voiced his thoughts and I shook my head. He was the laziest person I have ever come across and still bare him.

"But we need a priest." That was Alan and everyone were pretty shocked to hear five syllables from his mouth.

"And now I know, the wedding is going to be great." I commented and we all laughed.


Considering it was lunch when we made the announcements, the arrangements were pretty quick. The plane had flown in and apparently, everything was right in there. The men were there for decorating the beach for the small ceremony.

Paula had come with an assistant, who had got dresses for all the men and women here. She was really amazing. Celia had taken up for the food department, with her co-chef, she called in with few workers to help.

Dory was gonna do my make-up. Even Daniella had flown with Lucas and Moses, and I was really happy to see her. Martin was ecstatic to see her.

"I really had no clue you'd be here." I said to Daniella. She just smiled.

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