23-You Are Not Grace Duncan.

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"SIERRA!" I yelled and I rushed to her body. The car that just hit her in full force, stood there with it's front damaged little.

How much did it have hurt her?!

"Oh, my God!! Sierra, please wake up! Why did you do it?! Why?!" I yelled at her, loudly. She just looked at me, her eyes smiling down at me.

"We are a family and we always protect our family." She said and tears fell down my eyes. Her hands on my cheeks, wiping away my tears.

"Don't cry, Grace. I love you and so does every...one. Just take care of the little kids in your... belly." She said as her hand fell on my belly. I kept shaking my head, indirectly asking her to stay. She looked half conscious. 

"Sierra, please keep your consciousness, please. You'll be alright. Okay? Help is on the way. Don't worry. Please keep your eyes open. Please. I love you and I can't lose you like this. Please, Sierra." I was trembling, literally. Her eyes closed.

"Ace, please calm down. We'll take her to the hospital." Alex tried to soothe me. I swatted his hand off me.

"How could you ask me about that?! Sierra! Please, Sierra, stay strong. Sierra! Sierra wake up!" I tried to shake her to wake up. Some people tried to take her away from me and I trashed around.

"Ace, come here. They'll take her to the hospital. We'll visit her there." He said and pulled me up. I looked at people who were getting Sierra on the stretcher.

It felt like deja vu to me. Once it was Mom who pushed me and saved me, losing her life. And now, Sierra who pushed and saved me.

Two people lost their lives because of me. TWO!

What was there so special to even to save me by people losing their lives?!

I was a normal person, too.

I suddenly lost my balance and almost fell, if not for Alex who held me. I looked at his face who looked very worried and concerned for me. I felt my body lose strength. Alex's eyes widened at something.

"Ace, you're bleeding! Please control yourself. Please." He pleaded but my brain wouldn't understand what he wanted. I finally closed my eyes, losing myself in darkness.



It was unbelievable. Sierra had pushed Grace and saved her life, by giving up her life. She was a true friend. She had lost her life on the spot. The hit was so hard, that she couldn't have been saved.

Grace was in the hospital, yet again. Sierra's body had eight fractures and two internal damages. It would have a hell of life even if she survived.

Grace had been unconscious. Moses has been taking care of Alison who was in shock, too. Alan hadn't uttered a word. I walked to Alan.

"I'm sorry, Alan. Saving my wife's life, you lost her." I said with an apologetic face. I was really happy that he had found Sierra and I had thought that they'll go further in the future. But, he now lost her.

"No, Alex. I'm proud of her. She's the exact type of woman whom I would've wanted to spend my entire life." He said and I could tell he adored her. He never spoke so much.

"I know that's why I feel even worse. You were finally ready and had found 'the one' and lost her." I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with a smile, but I could see the remorse he felt.

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