31-You Have To Fight!

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We all sat outside Grace's door, wanting to see her the moment she woke up. I wanted her to fight, for her, for me and for our babies. It was a hard time that we were facing and she had promised me that she would fight with me till the end. I was just holding onto her words and hoping that she'd stand by it. 

Time was passing very slowly or it was just the intensity of the situation that we were in. Mom brought some food for everyone and they had it. I just drank a cup of coffee to keep me fine, rather than that I wasn't in a state of mind where I could eat something anything would go down my throat. 


It was nearing midnight. The 24 hour span was about to finish and Grace seemed fine. She wasn't awake but she was responding to the treatment and was rather in a stable state. I walked to the ward where our babies were kept. At least as a parent, I should be taking care of them. They must feel so lonely.

"How are they doing?" I asked the nurse. Two special guards were appointed by Moses to keep an eye on the babies. We didn't want another trouble. 

"Baby number 25 is doing better, but it's 26 who a little weak. He is the minor twin, so it is expected. But both have been fine." She said with a smile. 

I felt relief as I knew they were fine. I looked at my sons and my eyes watered knowing that they were suffering like this. I would never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to anyone of the three. Everything had to fall in place.

I looked at the guards and they nodded. I walked to them and they were on an alert mode. 

"Have you both had some food?" I asked and they shook their head. I nodded.

"I'll send someone to give you food. Thank you for taking care of my sons. It is because of you that I'm not much worried about their safety." I said as I looked at my sons.

"Sir, we will complete our responsibility properly. We are glad to be of help. The fact that we volunteered to help since Mrs.Chadwick had been kind enough to send food for the other members in the team, while she sent for Officer Moses. Kindness should be repaid, Sir." One of them with the name tag Jason said.

"Yes. She has treated us more human than others in the lot." Micheal, the other guy said and I nodded. Grace had a way of winning hearts. I smiled.

"She has a way to win everybody." I muttered and they nodded. I chuckled and told them to wait for food as I left towards Grace's ward. 


We were waiting outside when continuous beeping sound could be heard from the inside. I looked from the small glass window to see Grace's body falling up and down. She seemed to be in an improper condition.

"Get the doctors, fast!" I yelled and tried to open the door in vain. A group of doctors emerged out and rushed to Grace. I waited out patiently but scared at the same time. 

There was constant rushing inside and no way to know what was happening. I pushed the door open when a ward boy entered. I had to stay in and known what's happening. I had to.

"I don't think this is easy, her vitals are falling. She is not fighting!" The doctor muttered and I froze. There was no way this could happen. I rushed out to a ward where I knew I'd have help. 

"Nurse, can I take 25 out for sometime? Please? His mother needs him right now. Please!" I was desperate for help and he was my way. She nodded after contemplating for a while. She wrapped the baby in a cloth and gave him to me. 

This was the first time I took him in my arms and he looked like my only hope. I slowly walked back to my destination and barged in. 

"Mr.CHadwick, please be out! Don't make the situation worse!" She yelled at me and I shook my head.

"Let her feel her son. She needs to fight for him." I yelled back at her and walked forward.

"Ace, honey please fight this for me. Fight this for us, you cannot give up like this. Please. Our son is waiting for you to hold him. He wants you in his life. You cannot leave him like this. Please." I pleaded desperately. I let our son hold her hand. He cried, his loud cries sounded like a plea for his mother to wake up.

"Grace he is crying for you, please hold our hands and come back to us. Our other one is still not healthy enough. He is still fighting. You have to fight, too, please." A moment passed into nothingness and I was loosing hope. It the constant vigorous beeping of the machine, time seemed to fade.

Suddenly, Grace hand moved holding the baby's hand. My eyes widened at the sight.

"Doctor, her signs have been improving." Said one the doctor.

"Thanks for your help, Mr.Chadwick. We have to take it from here." She said and I nodded understanding her situation. I immediately went out of the ward where everyone had a worry face.

"Her condition seems to be improving." I said and everyone sighed. 

"Is that our grandson?" I nodded.

"Our sons saved Grace." I muttered and almost broke down but Dad patted my back. 

"You've learnt to put your children before you. You'll make a great father." He said and Mom nodded.

"I have to take him back to his tube." I muttered but Mom stopped.

"Let us see him for a moment." While in my arms, everyone came and checked him out. They all were glad to have them survived. I then took him to his cube and thanked the nurse.

"I'm thankful you let me take him. He saved his mother and so did our other one." I looked at 26. She smiled at me and went somewhere. She cleaned the baby in another hygienic room before quickly placing him in his tube.

"The outside air could be harmful, so cleaning them is a must." She informed me and I nodded. I was about to leave when the guards called me.

"Is she fine, Sir?" Asked Jason.

"She seems to be in a better position now." I said and they both smiled. I rushed out after that. Outside Grace's room, doctor's were talking to Father and Alan. I rushed towards them.

"What's happening?" I asked worried. 

"Grace is fine and stable. Her preeclampsia had caused the problem. She finally seemed to fight her wounds. She is in a temporary induced comatose. It'll take her few days to wake up. Her leg is fractured because of the bullet, but it should heal just fine. She might be on after that." She informed me of her condition.

"When can we see her?" I asked, relief lace in my voice.

"Once we shift her to her private room, you'll can visit but only one person at a time." She warned and I nodded. 

She was finally safe.

A/N - Finally, another update! I was in a sad mood to write this book since I knew it would be ending soon. Another two chapters, I guess. The journey of 'Clumsy Is My Middle Name!!!' has finally coming to an end so I was really sad about it. After two books I have an attachment to the characters I had created. 

But, as said, every good thing must come to an end, this must too. I can't go on forever like this. Also, I've been thinking that I do need a change of characters. Heh. So, a new book will be coming soon. 

I've given a shot on that book, hoping it would another amazing journey for you guys to enjoy. The book will be published right after this ends. The epilogue for this book and the first chapter of that book will be published at the same time. Hope you guys are excited for another journey. 

Also, I will apologise for a late update, but I was stuck with workload. I hope you guys understand and would like to thank you for waiting for the update. Next update should be by the end of this month. 

Until next time, with love.


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