Chapter 2 ~ Niall

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Shock. Surprise. Anger. Betrayel. All these emotions and more were swirling around inside of me. I stared at the blonde haired boy in front of me, as he let my hand drop. couldn't be. I looked nothing like him. The only thing similar was small, hardly seen freckles dotted across his nose like mine did. I stared at him, looking up at my mum.

She wouldn't look at me. No-one but Niall would.

I stepped back, out of my mums arms and to the other side of the door. I dug my hands into the wood, looking at each one now staring at me. I felt exposed as I slid off to the floor as Niall reached for me. i backed up and he got up from his knees.

"Love, I-" started my mother, but I couldn't look at her. 12 years she kept this a secret, 12 years of family trust and love, our own home from two people, I looked more like her than Niall. Heck, I looked more like his black-haired friend then him.

"No." I whispered. "No! It-it can't. I-I..." I wrapped my arms around my shoulders as I stood in the hall, cold as the wind hit my bare legs. I shivered and stared at my feet, and when I looked up my mum was staring at me.

"Sweetheart, I couldn't exactly tell you th-"

"Stop making excuses! It doesn't help!" that was the first time I'd ever shouted at my mother. She seemed taken aback, and tears streamed down her cheeks. I cursed myself when I walked forward and wiped her cheeks. She gasped and gave me a sad smile, tracing circles in my hand. I turned to Niall not moments later, still hugging my arms after.

"How old were you?" i muttered, looking down at the porch where the small group stood huddled against the cold. It would have been nice, If I wasn't learning something for the first time. Something that was important to me, and Niall and my mum.

"7. I still remember holding you. We had you for a year and... we couldn't afford having three children. And mum cried for two years after, and still at night she has nightmares. We tracked you down last year, but you moved here right?" he asked, motioning to the house. Surprisingly, I didn't slink away when he tried to touch me. I remembered a kind woman, with short cropped blonde hair brilliantly bright blue eyes, smiling down at me from where I lay. Her name was Maura, I think.  I nodded and he gave a smile. Crooked teeth. Just like mine.

What surprised both of us was that I hugged him.

He gasped and pulled me closer, burying his head in my shoulder. I heard someone whoop joyfully, as I felt traitor tears fall. He pulled me away to wipe his own tears and mine.

"You remember?" I nodded and he pulled me in for another hug. Someone fell on the grass and we jerked apart, to see the boy with red jeans in the starfish positon, lay on the boy with curly hair, laughing. I giggled and he gave me a tiny wink before skipping to get a piggy back off of the boy with dark hair.

I smiled at Niall as he held me by my shoulders. I then remembered my food. You try backing out of a strong 18-year-olds grip being a hungry 12-year-old girl wanting her cheese sandwich!

" second." I shot out his grip, making him grunt. I picked up my plate and ran into the kitchen, before wrapping it up and putting it in the microwave. I walked back out, grinning.

"You are not a food lover?" asked the curly-haired boy, laughing. I gave him a suspicious look and nodded. All the boys fell over in laughter, clutching their stomachs, the tall man that was with them chuckling along. I crossed my arms, and when they calmed down, though the boy in the suspenders kept laughing. He was one of my favourites so far.

"Niall's a food lover."

"SERIOUSLY!? OH MY FLAPJACK!" I yelled, as they fell over again at my sudden outburst. I turned red and looked at the floor, then sat on the floor indian style.

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