Chapter 3 ~ A Surprise ride

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2 weeks later

Now I stood, in my bedroom with my duffel bag, as I was leaving for a month of living with Niall and meeting the family. My heart fluttered at the realisation each time, and it felt so weird to leave this place. I had a duffel bag packed and a bag of school stuff. I was stood in a dark plaid skirt with a light blue polo shirt with tights and a navy blazer with the logo on it on the breat pocket.

I shoved clothes inside the bag and zipped it up. I fell back on my bed, making the bed bounce as I felt around in my pocket for the photo of me when I was a baby. Mum said we didn't have any, and made an excuse for it when I was younger. For eleven years of my life, I'd been in the dark of the secret. A secret girls my age and over would kill for.

I was the long-lost sister of Niall Horan.

He showed me a picture of the family and when he was a brunette. He said we looked alike when he was a brunette, but since he's blonde now, it doesn't look as likely. He said you had to look for the freckles as he tapped my nose, the crooked smile and the kind personality. I asked him why loads of people told me he was insecure.

"Because I don't like who I am. Not really. I'm just...if I wasn't famous, I'd be that kid sat in the back of class with braces." he'd chuckled as I gave him a hug. He'd hugged me extra tight, as if I'd disappear from is grip. I couldn't even tell that he thought he was insecure, considering girls said how cute he was. He was tired of being cute though. He said I'd steal it from him.

"When mum finally see's you again, your gonna take my factor of being the youngest and cutest. Greg will freak." He'd said, making me giggle. I was the same as him, being insecure. Once upon a time, I had been changed for a year by a a girl named Maddie Higgins, the prima donna of the year seven's at school. We'd strayed from each other and she kept her title by being a bully. And I didn't want that. She made me feel horrible about myself for years to come.

I put the photos in my skirt pocket and scooped up my bag. I stepped down each step carefully, to see my mum making toast. I walked behind her, hugging her thin waist. She gasped and tapped my nose, dotting it with butter. I jumped back and wiped it off, feeling sick at the sight of butter. I hated butter with a passion.

"Are you excited?" she whispered, looking down at me with a shaky smile. I didn't answer, just wrapped my arms around her and let her sob silently. It's always been me and mum, I'm used to it.

"Of course you are, my love. Just know I love you." She kissed my hair and playfully tapped my cheek and put a mock serious-look on her face. "Now, get your shoes brat." I pulled my tongue out at her and she pushed my forehead, before giggling and kissing it.

I walked out the kitchen and tied up my shoes. She passed me an extra duffel bag, making my mind go blank. Confusion flitted across my features for a few minues. Then I got the answer.

I was staying for longer.

I gave her a sad smile as she walked towards me and pulled me gently towards the door, grabbing my bag. She unlocked her car and we both slid in. Soon, we zoomed away to school.

We were driving away from the home I'd known for eleven years. Where I'd probably taken my first steps. Where I most likely spoke the word 'mummy!' first. The first time I had my birthday, maybe.

But I wasn't sure anymore.

I watched as it shrunk out of distance, behind hills and other houses, before I was staring at the spot where it used to be. When we arrived, Emily and Taylor stepped out from the folds of the crowd in the courtyard. They waved me over, even if I wasn't out of the car yet.

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