Chapter 22 ~ Time to leave, Cupcake.

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Author's note : hey, i know I put this at the end usually, but I didn't want to ruin it. Just so ya'll know, this isn't the end. at all. therer's still about...oh god, eight chapters, and then I'm done! I swear, I'm going to cry when it's over. Then, I'll be focusing on TAS and there's a new story I have in mind that I'll post. Anyways, hope ya'll enjoy.

Sophie x



Louis cried when his mum and sisters left. Me and Felicity got on well in the last two days, and I knew he wished that they could stay, but they had to go back home. Harry hugged him when they closed the door, and he cried into the younger boys shoulder. I felt my heart break at his sad face, and soon, we circled him in a tight hug.

"Thanks guys, I'm OK now though. I'll see them as soon as I can." he threw us a weak smile before walking back up the stairs and falling onto his bed. I sighed and followed the boys into the game room, which had been made the living room as well. Harry placed his laptop on the desk and Niall started texting someone. i know Zayn texts his mum each night, to say goodnight and Louis texts his a lot because I found out she's in the wake of a Divorce.

But Niall wasn't texting his mum.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled, staring at the phone in disbelief. Lexi? He was texting Lexi? That was weird.

"WHAT!? WHO DIED!?" yelled Liam, coming into the room with a bag of clothes in his hands. Zayn pointed towards them, and Liam shook his head. "I'll explain later, who the freaking hell died!?"

"My ear drums."


"WAIT, NIALLER HAS A GIRLFRIEND!?" yelled Harry, jumping onto the couch and hugging my brothers head to his chest. I laughed loudly as Niall flung back away from him, almost hitting me in the head.

"I'm just saying 'Hi.'" He muttered, and he had been the first one to text. I sighed, wanting him to have a girlfriend soon.

"FINE! but if anything else happens, we get told." he nodded and kissed my forehead, as I settled on his shoulder. Soon, I fell asleep.


That night was two weeks ago.

And today I was leaving.

I sat by my closed bedroom door with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to leave, not really. But I had to go home and have an education. I couldn't just follow my brother's boy band around. I hadn't slept the night before, because I'd been sobbing quietly. I didn't let any of the boys hear me, because I didn't want to trouble them.

My bags were packed and i was staring at the lace window, as the wind blew them softly. The day was beautiful, and the tall willow tree hung its head, ashamed of himself for some reason. i got up and sat on the window sill, staring down at the white stones that made up most of the outside drive.

I wanted to cry more, but I had no tears left to sob. It was six o-clock, about an hour before Niall and any of the boys got up. The clouds shadowed the world, though the sun was determined to spread it's sunlight. Where ever it touched, whatever was beneath it became a golden brown.

I didn't even notice that I'd sat there for about two hours, dressed and ready in a t-shirt and jeans, when one of the boys knocked on my door. My eyes were watery, though the tears wouldn't spill. Zayn stood in an American baseball jacket with a white 'M' printed on the side, with a dark t-shirt and jeans on underneath.

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