Chapter 18 ~ 'Hi, is Perrie home?'

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"Harry, can you drive me to Perrie's house?" I asked, after dinner the next day.

"Why the bloody hell would you want to go to Perrie's?" asked Harry, staring at me with concern as he plopped a plate into the sink. He turned around and leant on the side of the sink, staring down at me with his bright green eyes with his arms crossed over his chest. I twirled my thumbs around eachother, a small habit I had no idea about until Liam told me.

"I just want to go say Hi and see what her house looks like, you know...become more better...acquainted." I gave him a tiny smile as he stared at me. He was in boxers now, though mostly he went nude but since I came two months ago, they put something on more.

My heart stopped.

Two months ago I'd shown up on their doorstep in Harry's arms, asleep.

I had one month left.

I didn't let Harry see my face, as I kept it blank. He nodded slowly and I jumped up and hugged him. He laughed and hugged me back before I ran upstairs towards Louis' room. Zayn was still sad, but he came out and had dinner with the boys, putting a fake happy face on. But I'd seen him cry. I'd watched as she'd slapped him and walked away.

I burst into Louis' room as he threw a tennis ball against the wall beside my head. I yelped and he jumped, as the tennis ball flew out the blacony door and hit the metal bar. He wore a pair of blue toms, a blue stripy T-shirt and red jeans. He pulled his knees up to rest his arms on them and nodded for me to start talking.

"Can you help me pick out something? I have bad taste!" I asked, quickly. He quirked an eyebrow before jumping up and running down the hall screaming he was a mango. Food.

"M-Wait, doesn't Zayn usually pick out your clothes?"

"Yeah, but he doesn't feel good today." I lied, hoping he wouldnt walk up to Zayn and ask him why. He opened his mouth to say something and I mentally cringed, but he shrugged and ran towards my wardrobe. I silently thanked him and followed him inside. After playing with my shoes for a few minutes, an outfit was lay on my bed. He walked out and smiled at me before walking down the hallway, back to retrieve his tennis ball.

It was a grey tank top that flowed over the ripped jeans he'd given me. It had big silver skulls marked around it in random places. a pair of brown buckled boots were beside it with sunglasses. I picked out a Red Riding Hood cape to please Louis as I tied it around my chest. I smiled at Harry as he turned to look at me in the car. I slid in the passenger seat, he flicked the light blue cape.

"What the hell is this?"

"To mess with Louis." I said, looking up to see a laughing Louis. He was laughing so hard he was clutching the Balcony bars in Harry's room as we waved at him. He fell to the floor making Harry grinned.

"How long is it to Perrie's?"

"10 minutes, tops." he said, turning on the radio. A one direction song blasted through the speakers, sending me and Harry into laughter. We started singing badly, friegtening a couple of teenage girls in the car next to us while he started screaming the lyrics to One thing. They were squealing about Harry Styles being in the car next to them. He grinned and winked then blasted the gas to get away when the light turned green.

We were cracking up when we pulled up to the curve of Perrie and the rest of her bandmates house.

"Come in an hour. Don't give me that look, it's not like im going to eat her." I muttered, stepping out of the car door. "Unless she has chicken." I said, making Harry laugh. He grinned at me before turning on the car and speeding away. i waved until there was nothing left to wave at.

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