Chapter 21 ~ 'I'm related to that?'

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Peanut butter.

I officially hate peanut butter now. Someone tell the Narnians, the horrid news. Because I am addicted to peanut butter. I better tell my turkey Melvin that peanut butter is scraped off the list at our secret wedding behind the Jerry Springer studio, because I got into bed that night. And, my bed was covered in peanut butter. All under my duvet and my bedspread, heck, they even got it inside the pillows. These boys die in their sleep, with little squirrels.

Because only one person knows my love for peanut butter.

Also, would use it against me for his own evil, carrot-loving, hop-scotching, Old-people-tipping purposes.  

So, I used all of my 12-year-old strength to yell at him. “LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU, BOY!”

"What did I do!?" he yelled, poking his round head of hair around the doorway. I pointed to the bed, crossing my arms, flicking my hair out of my eyes. His mouth formed an 'O' shape, before he ran out the door.




Niall was sat on the kitchen table, grinning as I ran past. I let out a massive battle cry and lunged for Louis as he shot out the back door, up towards the willow tree. He went to climb, but i jumped on his back, trying to pull him down. I failed miserably. A car pulled up next to us, and immediately, a woman stepped out with a surprised but happy look on her face.

He fell to the floor and I put my hands either side of his brown head of hair. "EVER! AND I MEAN, EVER, MESS WITH MY BED AGAIN, I WILL STICK A FROG IN YOUR BED AND KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP WITH TWO PEAS!" I grinned down at him, as a girl around fourteen stepped out of the car in a bright red t-shirt and ripped jeans, sandals strapped on her feet. Her hair was a light brown with bright blue eyes. She laughed at him and took a picture with her phone.


"No Mommy this time, Lou. I think she deserves this!" muttered the older woman, winking at me.

"Thank you!" I looked down at Louis, who had his hands behind his head. "I like her better than you." The look of horror on his face almost made me fall over him, laughing. Almost.

"Your such a nice child!" he yelled sarcastically, as two twin girls, around eight or nine tumbled out of the car, with a girl around my age. They all had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"Thank you! Love you Lou." I rolled off him and skipped away, towards the boys. Harry laughed and scooped me up as Louis ran to his mum, hugging her tightly.

"So, mommy, what you doing here?" asked Louis, as we reached them. Liam scooped her up in a hug, as the others did as well. Harry gave her a one armed hug and she looked at me. I didn't know if to hug her or not.

Saved by the bell. "Whose this?" she asked, turning to Harry. I cut him off before he opened his mouth.

"I'm batman, king of the penguins. Come with me if you want to live." I said, in a terminator voice, making everyone laugh loudly.  

"Your Sicily, right?" asked the girl, that looked around my age. The hair cut she had made her face look really pretty and I was jealous of her. I nodded as Harry put me down. "And your my age?"

"No I'm six. Whoops, my mistake. That's my mental age!"

"Louis' is four." she grinned at me, and I smiled back. Louis' horrified face set me off in a laughing fit, making the girl laugh as well. Soon, we were grinning at each other while trying to keep our laughter in. Louis grumbled and pushed the girls in a straight line.

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