Chapter 7 ~ Interview {Part 1}

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"WAKE UP, YOU LAZY ARSES! COME ON, COME ON, IF YOU WANT BREAKFAST, GET OUT HERE!" yelled Louis, running down each room and in Zayn's room on the connected balcony, I could hear him yelling at him. Harry walked through my door in his underwear, but I was too tired to notice.

"Hey, kiddo," he whispered gently, sleepiness in his voice. I buried my head deeper into my sofft pillows as he pushed my shoulder to wake me up. I groaned in response. "You gotta wake up if you want breakfast. I'm cooking." he whispered and I turned over and yawned gently, as I opened my eyes. My arms were above my head and my hair was splayed across the pillow. I reached out my arms, and he chuckled, picking me up while I was in my Pj's, turning me around to bridal style.

He walked down the stairs and sat me down, as I was to tired to even attempt the evil chair climb. I rubbed my eyes and smiled sleepily at him, while he rubbed cold water on his face, wetting the ends of his curls. He turned on the stove and started cutting up the bacon, just as Liam slid out of his room. I smiled up at him and he patted my head, kissing the top of it after, before falling messily into his own chair.

Louis and Niall came trudging down the stairs, as Harry cooked the eggs. A few minutes later, Zayn walked down with a perfectly made quiff, making me giggle. Liam had only some underwear on like Harry, while the other three had long sweat pants on. I was the only one in a pair of sweats and a tank top. Niall and Louis gave me a hug when they walked in, and Zayn ruffled my hair.

After everyone woke up properly, Harry set the food on the table and everyone began to eat. "So, what do you think she's going to ask you? If it's a she." I asked, as I started cutting the egg on my plate. The boys looked at one another and shrugged.

"Probably the same thing they ask us. Are you single yet? What do you do in your spare time? Are you who you portray to be...? It's all the same really." explained Liam, shoveling a piece of bacon into his mouth.

"Yeah, but this time, we have Sicily. It might be different." said Zayn, throwing me a sleepy smile. Niall was done and picking up his plate, while I was spooning my last few forkfuls. He gave me a high five before walking away to the sink.

"You can tell it's gonna be different." commented Louis quietly, as I finished my food. I said thank you to Harry, and before Niall could reach for my plate, I grabbed it and walked to the sink as he pulled his tongue out at me. I waved bye to the boys, walking upstairs to get changed. I dug around for a dark tank top and pulled out a cream net shirt to go over it, with a pair of jeans. I pulled the outfit on and walked into my bathroom, to find a set of red curlers, red straighteners, nail varnish, a red and purple hairdryer and loads of shampoo and conditioner bottles with soap and everything. This was way to much.

I folded my Pyjama's, placing them on the sink counter after. A large mirror was hanging from the wall above the wall length counter, and opposite it was a bath tub with a toilet at the end. I smiled and hoisted myself onto the counter, putting my hair up in little hair bands in layers as i heated the curling wand. There needs to be women here.

I curled the top layer of my hair and missed a layer, doing the same to each layer. I took out the curling wand and let it cool down as I plugged in the straightener to heat it up, I put my curled hair in small pony-tails and when it was warm enough, I curled my other layer of hair. When I was done, I smiled at my handiwork. I only put lipgloss on because I hate make-up.

I walked out my room as Zayn walked out of his. His eyes bulged and I gave him a smile. He chuckled and twirled me round, making my hair fly out.

"Come on, munchkin. They're waiting." he walked in front of me and I followed. I saw the boys at the bottom, as Louis was stroking Liam's hair while Niall had a sandwich. Zayn jumped the step and I stood while the boys looked up. Louis' eyes bulged out his head, while Liam gave me a tiny smile. Niall was paused eating, with a smile on his face and Harry stood with his arms crossed over his chest. I fingered a curl and looked up.

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