Chapter 11

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"All the kids at school went mental Vi, it was crazy!" Sadie sounded like a kid on Christmas.

"I'm glad it worked, he didn't do anything too extreme I hope?" I question praying that Eddie hadn't murdered a kid or something. 

"Nah, he broke the kid's finger though, now they're all too scared to bother me." She sounded so happy with herself and it brought a smile to my face.

"That's great Sadie! If Eddie didn't handle it I would've had to deal with the little shit myself and let me tell you, I would've broken more than his finger." We both laughed a little longer before ending our conversation with a promise to see each other soon.

Annie was so lucky to have Sadie, a mini her that'll carry on her legacy, it almost made me envious of her. Thinking of the two I reminded myself to speak to one of my top paying clients, the best custody lawyer in the state. We discussed their situation on the phone and he agreed to grant me a little favor.

Feeling a bit better about myself I decided to go and see my Beth and Dean, planning to put everything behind me in order to help Dean through everything. After all, he was still my brother and the thought of us ending on bad terms was too upsetting to comprehend.

"Beth? It's Vi, I was just wondering if Dean's there? I'd like to come and see him." I ask politely, being delicate because she was in a very similar situation to me.

"Of course! He and the kids will be thrilled, come over whenever you'd like." She sounded overly cheery, a clear sign of her underlying distress.

"Maybe you and I could talk a little alone while I'm there?" I suggest, hoping she'd catch my drift.

"That sounds great." She sighed a little and I nodded despite the fact she couldn't see me.

"Perfect, I'll be around soon." I hung up the phone, sighing deeply. I don't know how I'm going to swallow my pride and let him get away with all of his wrong-doings but I suppose he's facing an immense amount of karma that  I wouldn't wish on anyone.

As I grabbed my keys from the table my phone screen lit up with a notification, a quick glance showed me the brief text from Rio's number.

Hey sweetheart, still not lookin to merge? I'm sure I can change your mind ;)

I rolled my eyes before quickly typing a reply.

Not the time, find someone else to bother.

With that, I leave the house and begin the journey to my brother's house. My phone buzzes again, this time continuously, obviously a phone call this time. I check the caller ID to see that it was Rio. I throw the phone onto the passenger seat and ignore the buzzing, not in the mood to discuss business right now, not that there was any to discuss.

However, seeing his name on the screen sent my mind back to yesterday in the elevator, his arms around me and my head on his chest. My sobs the only sound other than his soothing hushes, his hand stroking my hair as the tears continued rolling. I felt almost safe, the closest for a considerable time. Of course, it was probably because we were in a fully enclosed elevator with no impending danger rather than his comfort.

Why was I even debating this? I was simply desperate for comfort and he happened to be the only person close enough to lend a hand. Besides, we'd agreed to never speak of it again so why did I have the urge to tell everyone?

I shake my head in an attempt to clear my mind of the horrendously cheesy thoughts plaguing it but it did little to help. My phone finally stopped buzzing and I forced myself to concentrate on family, the only people that mattered.

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