Chapter One - Bullies and Buddies

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Authors Notes:

Kenny's voice is translated therefore he speaks like the others :)


Tweek's POV

I woke up and got out of bed. I looked at myself in the mirror.

"First..." I twitched. "...Day of the 11th Grade."

I did my usual routine and zoomed down the stairs, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed my morning coffee and saw a note:

Dear Creek,

Your mother and I are going to New York for a week to dicuss buisness about our coffee shop, be safe.

Your father, Richard.

I sighed and put the note in my pocket. I twitched and hesitated before walking out of the door.

"No monsters... No monsters... No-"

"Hey Tweekster!" A voice interrupted me.

"GAH!" I screamed. I looked and saw Craig. I scrunched my face and walked faster. He chuckled and walked after me. He jogged until he caught up with me I twitched and crossed the road to stand by the bustop. He stood next to me and I sighed.

"Tweek, why so jumpy?" He smirked.

"Pi-Piss off Cr-Craig," I shivered because of the cold.

"No can do Tweeky," he winked. I frowned and the bus came. I got on and walked down the isle until I reached the back and of course Craig sat next to me. He squashed me up to the window and I sighed. I guess there'd be another few years of harrassment from Craig.

The bus reached South Park High and all the students got off, I got up from my seat and took a step only to be tripped up by Craig... Typical.

"Ow." I muttered. I heard Craig laugh as I saw his shadow walk over me. I sighed and slowly made my way to my feet, I dusted off my jeans and got off the bus.

"Get off my bus!" The driver yelled. I hopped of the bus and took in the chilly air. I walked through the doors and said hi to a couple of people. On my left were Stan, Kyle, Eric and my 6th grade crush, Kenny. I still like him and luckily no one knows because the only way I could convince Craig not to tell anyone, was by being his s-slave for a week.

"H-hi guys. ARG!" I waved then twitched a little.

"Hi twitching nightmare," Cartman always ripped on me.

"Shut up Cartman. Hey Tweek," Kyle smiled. I smiled back and glanced at Kenny from the corner of my eye. He was staring at me. I said goodbye to them and continued making my way to my locker which was on the other side of the school. On my right, was Craig and his girlfriend BeBe. I rolled my eyes and he smirked at me.


"Hello class-" Mr Garrison welcomed us.

"Mr Garrison, why are you here? Aren't you meant to be in South Park Elementary," Wendy pointed out.

"Shut up Wendy and don't interrupt me!" He ordered, she stayed quiet and he smiled sweetly at her.

The class was boring and it had only been 5 minutes.

"Ouch," I whipsered rubbing my forehead. I looked at the floor and there was scrunched up paper, I looked up and there was Craig, smiling. I frowned and turned my attention to Mr.Garrison.


The bell rung and I rushed out of class. Craig was really annoying me but if I said anything he'd beat me up... I don't want to get beat up. Why does he do this to me? Why me? Why doesn't he bully Kyle or Stan or Butters? Why me? I ran to the bathroom as I felt myself beginning to tear up. Reaching the bathroom just in time, I burst into tears and slide my back down the door. I quietly sobbed and burried my head in my knees.

"Tweek?" A muffled voice called.

"GAH!" I screamed and looked up to see my Knight In Orange Parka, Kenny. He looked at me and his face softened.

"Dude, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"Dude, you aren't twitching, that's not normal." He joked. I laughed for a mili second and he wiped the tear that slowly rolled down my cheek. "Tell me what happened." He said sitting next to me

"It's just... Craig... He bullies me and he's just always so disrespectful, I didn't..." I twitched. "I didn't do anything to ARH! Him yet he taunts me and disrespects me 24/7, whether it's verbal, physical, mentally, even through a fucking email, he'd always find a way to torture me," I sighed. Kenny nodded understandingly. He stood up and pulled me up with him. We stared at eachother, directly in the eyes then the unthinkable happened...


Cliffhanger... I'll be adding more POV's in the next chapter

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