Chapter Fourteen - Bermuda Triangle

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Authors POV

"Officer Barbrady," Craig called.

"Yes Craig?" The uneducated policeman turned around.

"Can I see Tweek?"


"Tweek. You know, blonde spikey hair, twitches."

"Oh, the murderer, he's in the last cell."

"Thank you officer Buttbrady."

"That's Barbrady!"

"That's nice." Craig muttered rolling his eyes. He walked down the hall. Nothing's changed. He thought as he'd been arrested for drunk driving a year ago.

He stopped when he saw Tweek, in a dusty old cell, twitching harder than ever.


The blonde's head snapped round and he saw his boyfriend.


"Tweek calm down."

"NO! THEY WONT GI-GIVE ME COFFEE!" Tweek panicked.

"It's okay, you'll be out soon." Craig assured him.

"It's n-not ok Craig.. I... I'll never get out..." He sobbed, "and you'll find a new lover."

"Don't say that baby, I love you and only you," Craig smiled making Tweek smile.

"I love y-you Craig." Tweek mumbled.

"I love you too Tweekster, but tell me the truth... Did you, or did you not kill Kenny?"


Unknown POV

I watched from the security camera as Craig talked to Tweek through the cell door. I smirked to myself knowing Tweek would crack and their relationship would fall. I would be swimming in warm delicious tears as I watched them break up. I loved to see the pain on those assholes faces. They've put me through hell! FUCK THEM! Anyways, I walked out of the security room and out of the station unoticed. I walked to my house and sat on the couch, turning the TV to Terrence andd Phillip.

I watched as Terrence farted on Phillip, thinking on my plan this whole time. Those bastards can die in a hole for all I care.

I had three phases, Phase 1 was to get Tweek arrested Phase two would to get them to break up and Phase three would be for Craig to find someone else so I could see that faggy little coffee lover suffer.

I called up a friend who I know I can trust.

"He-Hello?" He said.

"Yes, hello Butters."

"Oh hey-"

"Shut up! I don't want all these readers knowing my identity! If you haven't realised, it says 'Unknown POV' which means Unknown POV!" I yelled.

"Oh, oh well sorry." He mumbled.

"Good, now I need your help."

"Re-Really! You need my help! Why that's great! So what do you need help with?" He asked eagerly. I smirked.

"I need to break up Craig and Tweek and make them hate eachother."

"Wh-What, I'm not doing that-" he hung up. God dammit.


Clyde's POV

I hung up my phone and left the bathroom smirking my way to Stan's room, me, Wendy, Kyle, Stan and Token were all hanging out as Lola, Red and Nichole had to go cheerleading practice. I slid my phone in my pocket and walked into the room.

"Who were you talking to Clyde?" Token asked not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Just a friend..." I lied.

"Ok," he said concentrating on beating Kyle in the game.

"Anyone know where Craig is?" Wendy asked.

"He went to the policestation," Kyle responded sheepishly. Wendy nodded and sat on Stan's lap.

"BAM! I killed you!" Kyle yelled.

"SHUT UP TURDS!" Shelly yelled from the across the hall.

"Why so smirky Clyde?" Stan asked me.

"Oh nothing, just my plans finally falling into place." I sighed happily. Wendy raised an eyebrow and Kyle fell into laughter, soon joined by Token and Stan.

Was it Clyde that was on the phone with Butters?

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