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Ten Years Later

Authors POV

Tweek, Craig and their adopted daughter Dyla (Die-La) were all watching TV. The news came on the TV.

"Tonight, serial killer, Eric Cartman, has died of a heart attack due to his weight. This disgrace of a man killed several citezens at the age of seventeen. We will like to take two minutes of your time to remember the brutal ways he killed, Wendy Testaburger, Stanley Marsh, Kyle Broflovski and drove Lola Moore to suicide...Now back to Jenny for the weather." The news ancor announced. Craig smiled.

Dyla was five, she had Tweek's chocolate eyes and energy, Craig's black hair and his smile. She wore a pink button up checkered shirt, jeans and black shoes.

"Daddy, I'm tierd..." Dyla yawned.

"Okie Dokie sweetie," Tweek smiled and picked Dyla off his lap and into his arms. He carried her upstairs and layed her down on the bed. "What's your name sweetheart?"

"Dyla Wendy Tucker!" She squealed excitedly. They had named her Wendy in memory of their old friend.

"Goodnight," Tweek whispered.

"I love you," she smiled before sleeping.

"I love you too Dyla, my sweet angel," Tweek kissed his daughter on her forehead. He walked downstairs and into the room Craig was. Craig pulled his husband on his lap and they cuddled.

"I love you Tweek Tucker." Craig smiled. "The name suits you."

"I know.. I love you too Craig." Tweek said back. There was a knock on the door and both Craig and Tweek went to open it. Who could be here this late at night?

"Hey Kenny! I haven't seen you in over ten years!" Tweek beamed. Craig bit his lip, trying not too seem rude. He's never liked Kenny.

"Hey you guys," Kenny smiled.

"Where've you been all this time? I remember you running away somewhere and never came back," Tweek sounded concerned.

Well I died. Kenny thought. "I uh.."

"Why're you here?" Craig said trying to sound nice, but it came out the wrong way. Kenny rolled his eyes.

"I just wanted to see if you guys heard about Cartman," Kenny rubbed the back of his neck. "And I died."

"Oh here we go again," Craig muttered. Tweek nudged him.

"You- GAH!- D-Died?" Tweek asked confused.

"I can't die... I have a power...." Kenny trailed off.

"He's just like fucking Al Gore," Craig murmured.

"You can't-Nnnggg-Die?" Tweek twitched, nudging Craig.

"Even if it was true, wouldn't that be a good thing?"

Kenny's face tensed up. "No! It's not a fucking good thing Craig! I'm stabbed, shot, run over, crushed, infected. It's not a good thing!"

"Dude, chill," Craig raised his hands in surrender. "Why are you really here?"

"Because I want to stop fighting you Criag," Kenny sighed "You and Tweek are together now and I think I should get over it." Craig thought about it.

"Eh, what the heck," Craig shrugged and shook the blond's hand. They said their goodbyes and closed the door. "Now where were we?" Tweek giggled and they went to their bedroom.

The End :)

Did you like the epiloge? Sorry it's short :(

Bye :( *Tear rolls down cheek*

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