Chapter Thirteen - Hell In A Cell

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Authors POV

All the policemen gathered around Tweek and hand-guffed him. Gasps spread through-out the room and the ginger detective stepped forward.

"We recieved an annonymous call from a concerned citezen, they said they had evidence Tweek killed Kenny. We checked out Tweek's house and found his diary, in it said 'Kenny's all taken care of... Smiley face' and we also found a small box filled with of maggots under his pillow with Kenny's name on it... Literally." The older man confirmed.

Everyone was shocked, especially Craig. Tweek was crying as he was taken out of the house and shoved in a police car. Craig rushed outside and stared blankly at his coffee loving boyfirend.

"I... I can't believe it." Craig said watching the car drive away.

"Dude. That's fucked up right there." Stan added.


The gang sat inside and there was a awkward silence.

"He.. He killed Kenny." Stan said.

"That bastard." Kyle said.

"Tw-Tweeks going to jail." Lola said.

"Craig.. Did he ever tell you?" Nichole asked.

"N-No... We never talked about Kenny." Craig answered, clenching his jaw.

"He didn't tell us either," Clyde said referring to him and Token.

"H-He told me..." Wendy admitted. Everyone gasped and turned to her.

"So he actually Killed Kenny?!" Red squeaked. "HE MIGHT'VE BEEN PLANNING ON KILLING ONE OF US IF IT WASN'T FOR THE COPS!"

"No.. No it's not like that, he said he didn't kill Kenny-"

"But you just said he told you he did." Token inturrupted.

"Will you let me fucking finish?" She said. Token raised his hands in surrender and Wendy continued.

"He said he didn't kill Kenny, but apparently, he'd been having dreams about Kenny...."


Wendy's POV

"We-Wendy?" I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Tweek, he was twitching and crying. My face softened as I looked into his chocolate brown eyes-

~Flashback Interrupted~

"Wendy, we don't need a full detailed story." Token said.

"Stop interrupting me for Christ sake!" I yelled.

"Continue with the story." Kyle urged.

~Back To Flashback~

Anyways, Tweek walked over to me and asked if he could talk to me, I nodded and we sat on the grass behind the school.

"What's up Tweek?" I said.

"I-I've been GAH! Having dreams..." He trailed off.

"About what Tweek?" I said dramatically.

"K-Kenny... He's been saying that I killed him.. That's it's my fault he's dead... He said that my memory is blocking out the time when I was angry at him for leaving me at the hospital and I was so mad that when he came to my house I was so mad that I... I apparently drugged him and it was a really bad type of dr-drug and that caused his death. ARG! He's coming after me! Oh god! He's gonna get me!" Tweek screeched tugging at his hair. I calmed him down.

~End of Flashback~

Craig's POV

I just stared at Wendy in ashtonishment.

"So did he kill Kenny or not?" Stan asked. Wendy shrugged.

I sighed and walked out of the room. This doesn't add up... In Tweeks dream, he drugged Kenny but the police officer said it was maggots..

"Dude, where are you going?" Kyle's snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I need to speak to Tweek.." Is all I say before slamming the door as I walk out.

Did Tweek kill Kenny or not? Hmmm. Hope you all enjoyed ;)

Who killed Kenny?

South Park - CreekOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora