Chapter Ten - Oblivious

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Tweek's POV

My door slowly opened and I shook tremendously as a brown glove appeared at the side of the door. 

"GAH!" I screamed, pulling my hair and biting the covers. I saw a orange sleeve and there he was... Kenny. He undid his hood and he had black hair.. Wait a minute.

"Did I scare you?" Craig chuckled. I nodded and hit his chest hard.

"I thought you were Kenny..." I mumbled. He laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I felt awkward and shuffled away.

"Tweek. What's wrong. Last night you-"

"I don't wanna, ARG! Talk about it." I sighed. He sighed louder and got up. I looked at him and he held his hand out. I bit my lip but took it, he pulled me up and dragged me out of my house. He dragged me to the park and sat me on the bench. I looked away from him but he gently took my chin and made me face him.

"Tweek... I.. I love you." He said looking into my deep blue eyes. My eyes widened and I began to breath heavily.

"That's... That's a l-lie!"

"It's not Tweek! Don't you see it?"

"No! I GAH! Don't fu-fucking see it Craig! You've tortured, teased and harrassed me since the sixth grade and now you have the nerve to tell me you love me? Well ARG! That's bullcrap!" I stomped my foot. He looked at me, with a mixture of a hurt, sad, depressed, puppy-eye, look. I wasn't having it though.

"Tweek... I love you... I only did that be-because I saw you with Kenny and something inside me just didn't like that so I... I decided to torture you... I was jealous and naive Tweek." He confessed, I still wasn't buying it so I huffed and folded my arms.

"So your expecting me to believe that you've been a complete ass-wipe to me all because I had a small crush on Kenny in the sixth grade?!  Your fucking crazy man!"

I felt and saw him tense up and before I knew it I was knocked onto the floor. I whimpered and saw Craig ontop on me. I had fear written in capitals all over my face. My heart beated rapidly.


"TOO MUCH PRESSURE MAN!" I pulled out a piece of my hair. His face slowly softened and he got off me. I sighed and crawled back onto the bench.

"Tw-Tweek... I'm.. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. It's just you've been so oblivious of my love for you..." He said letting out a breath.

"How was I meant to know you loved me when you kept be-beating the crap out of me and Kenny?"

He rubbed the back of his neck and began to walk away. I knitted my eyebrows together and stared at his back.


I've been in the park for almost three hours and all I've done is sat on this rusty old bench.

"Tweek?" A voice called. I looked towards it and saw Stan with Kyle and Cartman. Great. Just what I needed. I rolled my eyes as Stan and Kyle sat next to me, Cartman next to Stan.

"What do you guys want?" I said a bit rudely.

"Woah. Who pissed in your cereal this morning? Let me guess, your little faggy boyfriend, Craig." Eric smirked. I frowned and ignored him.

"Shut up fatass!" Kyle ordered.

"Make me Jew!" He taunted. I sighed heavily and Stan rubbed my shoulder.

"I know how you feel Tweek." Stan comforted. This made me angry. "I know how you feel losing Kenny." He said again over Cartman and Kyle.

"Your a retarded, fat, racist, homophobic, lazy cow!" Kyle hissed coldly.

"Oh yeah well your a no-good, untrustworthy, sneaky, jesus-killing, red-headed, day-walking, stupid-"

"Guys stop." I said but they didn't hear me.

"Faggy little Jew!" Eric retorted finishing his sentence.

"Fuck you fatboy!"

"Suck my balls Jew!"

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled. My voice echoed a bit and everything went quiet. Everyone stared at me and I twitched. "T-Too much pressure." I quietly shrieked whislt pulling out my hair. I ran to my house and rushed straight upstairs, I picked my phone from the desk and I had three text messages and 10 missed calls, all from Craig.

I read the texts, the first one said:

Tweek, I love you. Tomorrow at school I'll prove it to you. I'll show you... I'll show all of you.

The second one said.

I love you

The last one said:

You can't undo the past...

Is all it said. It crepped me out a little, What does he mean 'You can't undo the past'?. I scrolled down and saw an attachment, I clicked on it and dropped my phone.

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